Stop calling mei easy

… because she is not!

yes her freeze doesnt require much aiming skills… but if you cant aim with the right click you wont be effective enough. if you want to be useful on mei then you have to hit the icicles shots. using left click only wont win you games.


Mei is p easy though.


I use Mei quite a bit and I see Mei as one of the hardest to aim with. She has a delay due to icicle travel time hence, the shot needs to be predicted rather than a direct hit.


Its the largest projectile in the game though… :thinking:


This just makes her like literally any other projectile hero rather than a hitscan


i think it’s hanzo actually junkrat pretty close before they nerf the size by 66% but meis is big too

None of the other projectile heroes have a delay between pressing and firing on their main attack.

Ana has it for sleep dart, but not on her primary.

I actually like the delay, but I’m wierd. Many people find it makes it a lot harder.

Personally I find the falloff too close on her.

Her damage per game is so VERY VERY bad


I like the delay too. I feel like it gives a bit to track so its easier to predict where they’re going.

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Actually Mercy and Mechless D.Va have the largest projectiles .-.

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Is she easy to use at a basic level? Yes. However being able to use her wall without being an active hindrance to her team does have a bit of difficulty. So overall, I’ll say that her main difficulty lies in being able to use her wall effectively.

Pretty much the same with a lot of other heroes (NOT ALL), easy to use and hard to master.

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Hanzo has one of the smallest projectiles in the game

Oh right, you’re right. :+1:

Huh, that may be right.

I didn’t really concider them.

When you see gms play Mei… yeah that’s a different story. I think most people are just frustrated with her freeze mechanic, I mean it’s just so cancer and frustrating lol.

Her gun is pretty easy to use.

It’s utilizing other parts of her kit that make her a harder hero to play efficiently.

Hanzo is the smallest projectile in the game.
To give you a better idea - Mercy’s Pistol pistol bullets hitbox is 3x the size of Hanzo’s arrows.

The only thing hard about her is the secondary fire. Click, then there’s the delay where it’s forming in the gun, and then travel time.