⭐ Stop backfilling me directly into defeat screen

Wouldn’t mind as much if it didn’t register as a game I played. Right now it seems it shows up as “undecided” in replay section, but is it there at all?

I said time limit, not distance limit. Time limit meaning no one can join if there’s like, 30 seconds of the match left or if it’s in overtime.

Still feels like a slap in the face when you waited for 8 minutes. It still can tilt certain personality types and ruin the rest of their matches for the day

It means you are being placed at the start of a match. As another round typically follows both defeat and victory screens.

This wouldn’t happen if people didn’t give up and leave in the last few seconds of a match. There should be stiffer penalties.

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It’s not so bad. Just stay in the lobby and you’ll be there for the beginning of the nex-

Not enough players, finding new match

Backfilling for your first game is like a waiting tax before you are allowed to start playing. You gotta wait 10 min in queue, then play for 1 sec and see defeat, then wait 10 more minutes in a new queue, and NOW you’re allowed to play

Why do we have this extra step?

This hasn’t been fixed since forever.

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ez fix, just don’t backfill when there’s less than 30 seconds or overtime.

At least it’s not as bad as the LEAD LOST! in deathmatch. Seriously, Athena, calm down. It’s not the end of the world! But you sure try to make me feel bad about it screaming it like that.

The game cannot tell when there’s less than 30 seconds left in a match. They could be .01 m away on a payload map and it might go another 6 minutes. Even overtime can last several minutes.

Still seems reasonable to me, to disable backfill once overtime hits. Like many have said, backfilling in overtime and winning happens like 1% of the time and is almost always a fluke esp when you can’t escape the character screen before game ends

I know, I hate it when I instantly joined a game, and it just ended after a few seconds when I join.

Least the good news is that as long as I select the character for support before the game ended, I still get 25 credits, which is why I farm as a support so that I can get as many credits as I can possibly get.

Why? Easy money. :star_struck:

10 mins of queueing to get 3-5% of a full level up in exp is not worth it to me. Thats like playing a full match only you don’t get to play. and Gotta immediately wait 10 more mins (if dps) right afterwards to actually play

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Along with this, they should also add backfill to Competitive.

I meant the timer, if it’s less than 30 seconds left or overtime, don’t backfill.

simple solution if someone backfills into defeat screen they should get all the XP of the guy who left for his next match that he completes.

Unless it was a party that left in which case the party leader has to repay every backfiller for how many games that takes

this would be a fair and proportional punishment along with a fair and proportional compensation of the damage done

So at 30 seconds left on point A on Route 66, a defender leaves, even though the attackers haven’t pushed the cart 1 m. So now it’s a 6v5 and the crappy team suddenly starts to push because there’s no backfill. They push it into the first checkpoint in overtime and now have a couple minutes on the clock. So now it backfills, it’s 6v6, and they can’t push it another meter? You just lengthened a game for 11 people with your rule, and the outcome stayed the same. Or if once backfill is off for a game you don’t turn it back on, you reversed the outcome.

It’s better just to make people who leave games backfill games more than people who don’t leave games. Don’t like backfilling into DEFEAT? Don’t leave games.

Wait 10min for dps queue
Backfill into instant Lose screen