Stop asking to nerf heroes you dont understand

(rant warning and opinion warning) STOP ASKING TO NERF or BUFF HEROES YOU DONT UNDERSTAND ANYTHING ABOUT. I see people who say nerf genji dash, nerf his health, nerf his deflect, nerf moira damage, moira is a bad pick buff her, nerf this hero and nerf that hero. THIS TRIGGERS ME COZ THEY GIVE SUGGESTIONS THAT MAKE HERO UNPLAYABLE FOR ANYONE AND MAKE IT SO THEY CAN BEAT THEM EASY. “GIT GUD” As much as i hate using this, JUST GET GOOD and you will beat the hero ur struggling against dont just ask blizzard to baby sit you. NOW COZ IK PEOPLE WILL SAY OHH SO YOU ARE SAYING WE SHOULDNT COMPLAIN ABOUT GOATS? I am saying understand everything about the issue you think there is and offer a valid solutions with how you think everyone will like and dislike that solution dont just say nerf x hero and remove his ability to do this with something stupid that basically makes hero useless and makes that hero for me easy to kill coz i am bad (I AM LOOKING AT YOU GENJI HATERS MOIRA HATERS EVERY OTHER HERO HATER)

ps i used me in last sentence FOR EXAMPLE because ik people will get triggered of me for using “you” coz they know it is true and will report me
and sorry my english sucks i swear if i see a grammar police here REEEEEEEEEEEE

Telling the forums to learn is just impossible, they will always just pout and wine no matter how many patches this game gets. They all think there opinions matter when their in gold saying reapers OP.


i have seen gms say genji needs no skill at all told him to go play the hero in a game guess what he said he is too hard and he was just ranting about he is too op and needs no skill

The forums are composed mostly of gold support mains. Of course they have a vendetta against Genji. It’s too bad they can’t look at things objectively.


I usually counterpicked to Brigette , problem solved if he kept diving. If it was Reaper + Genji diving, I’d sleep the reaper and call out the Genji in comms to my 2 teammates that were in voice chat and they’d make work of him

I was once involved in a post about Sombra giving unreasonable ways to nerf to her. It’s called Unpopular Opinion: Nerf Sombra

honestly there are gms as well who are more stupid than gold low ranks