Stop asking for Mercy reverts/changes

Note: I want to play Mercy 1.0 again. This thread is about how to best accomplish being able to do that. If you don’t, this isn’t the thread you are looking for.

Getting changes is not feasible right now. Revert is extremely unlikely and they think Mercy is balanced now, so any changes aren’t happening for some time, because clearly balance is their priority.

Instead, ask for options. Being able to play Mercy 1.0 would be great, but it doesn’t have to be mandatory. It could be a choice. Then every counterargument about balance, about how there are other heroes to look at, how people find current Mercy more fun to play as or against become irrelevant.

Unless you absolutely feel like you have to play competitive, and have to play Mercy in competitive, does it really matter if she’s changed for everyone, in every mode?

Let’s just talk about how we can have fun as Mercy without other people who hate Mercy 1.0 are affected. Let them play their way, and we will play our way.


47 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018