STOP asking for 2-2-2!

Yeah, most comp games are kinda forced 2-2-2, especially in the first few seasons. Most people would get all sad and toxic if you didn’t. The way things are now though, the games designers cant really fix the game without making some random team unbalanced :confused:

If you force 2-2-2 on Quick play Overwatch will be officially dead.
There is already LFG in place.


I would much more want to see 7v7 introduced. It would give much more wiggle space for players and would also give players some ideas and ways to change the meta.

The current meta could be broken with sombra, bastion or torb but they dont have space left for those, with 7v7 it could eradicate them and give space for more strategical team compositions.

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Right, but the purpose of enforced 2-2-2 and the role-queue is for people who are proficient at a role to always be able to play that role. So theoretically, you’re less likely to end up with teammates who aren’t comfortable on the role they’re playing. “Filling” wouldn’t happen either, since all roles would be guaranteed before the match even starts.

If you’re referring to the state of the game now, I can’t argue with the fact that people are likely to perform better when they’re playing a character that they are good at versus when they’re playing a character that they’re forced on to. I also agree that “filling” isn’t necessarily a good thing if you’re not comfortable on the role…

But those are just more reasons for me to vote in favor of 2-2-2 and role-queue tbh, to try and fix those problems before the match starts and tilt ensues and everything goes to poo.

Personally, I have the most fun in a game when the comp is as balanced as possible. The 4-2 comp may have worked for us, but I probably didn’t have fun. I play support, so i almost never do in those situations. Again, that’s just my opinion though…

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They would still probably have to do it all the time. It might be easier to do it though.

You’d be able to add more barrier shield heroes to the game, without the fear of having more than 2 barrier tanks in one team at the same time.

I respectfully disagree with the whole “we lost at the hero select screen” mentality. The fact that matches exist in which 6 dps basically spawn camp a team of 2-2-2 (yes I’ve been on both sides of this) proves that the “we lost at hero select” is the kind of defeatist attitude that is actually losing you that match.

The fact that you had 6 dps isn’t. The fact that your mentality going into that match is “we already lost so there’s no point” is what’s losing you that match.


this is like being communist.Telling people how to play,what to use,what team set up to go by.For a place wanting to be soooo diverse on everything these days but seems to be leaning a little hard left on the YOU MUST DO THIS TO WIN A GAME…is kinda lame.

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They should have enforced 2-2-2 from the very beginning if that’s how they wanted the game to be played. Giving people the ability to play any comp for years and then taking it away and of course people are going to feel angry.

Honestly, I think im done with this game if they enforce 2-2-2 without making serious balance and hero changes to account for it.


2-2-2 feels more balanced and is arguably the most fun for everyone.


how about implanting some kind of calculator in the matchmaker wich matches people with X hours in every class?

for example, i’m a Semi tank (mostly D-va/Zarya) and support main and mostly shy away from playing DPS (mostly because 90% of the people i get matched with can only play DPS it seems hehe)

so for me i get matched with people who have more time playing main tank and DPS.

i’m not a developer nor do i understand if such a system can be made. but it would however work REALY great for solo players like me (who often get matched with people who can only play 1 role and so have to chose between playing (the sole) tank or (the sole) healer

this problem is what prevents me to enjoy overwatch (sure i can find a team but most of the time even that is tedious and time consuming just to play a few matches)

The problem is most people just play their “best” hero… even if they get counterd so hard they can’t even leave spawn… they refuse to play anything out of their comfortzone…

it’s a dual sided blade realy.

The thing is: In the current state, they cannot balance around 2-2-2 because there are many other variables… They would need to force it first before balancing around it and balance changes also take time. Just like they needed to remove hero limit first to balance around it.

Being “done with the game with forced 2-2-2” right away is just a impatient short-sighted vision imo.


would be nice if i could learn to play some more DPS hehe… i WAS good playing reaper, but i never got to play him and now i kinda lost intrest (and again, never ever get to play him because the damn overload on DPS everywhere)

the clue is to COUNTER the teams comp… 2-2-2 is the safe way to go… but also the choices made in what character you play makes a diffrence but most people don’t seem to understand this simple fact

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A forced 2-2-2 comp will actually let them be able to balance the game and make more heroes viable.


Overwatch can never optimally work when you hand out absolute freedom to a group of strangers online. People are generally selfish and always focus on their OWN enjoyment even if its it at the expense of their teammates.

Blizzard was under the impression that its playerbase would adopt the FLEX/Switching concept but unfortunately they were terribly wrong.

Most people who flex will generally do so WITHIN a category they are already playing. A tracer for example wont magically switch to Ana, sure it can happen but its extremely rare. Players are 95% devoted to their initial role of choice.

2-2-2 sure does hinder creativity at a certain degree but it still allows players to play what they want. Now I understand the panic DPS mains are going through as they are the ones to be affected the most due to the que times if this is eventually goes through.

But guys… we need teamwork, we need our tanks, healers and yes our dps… OW is one of the greatest games when you get teamwork. We just dont have that anymore from a solo player perspective, there is a small percentage of the community willing to flex but its not enough.


Reminder that there is a lfg system where you can play 2-2-2 RIGHT NOW if you really want it…even let’s you practice the future queue times


I think we should also think that it’s not that people don’t want to flex, it’s that they can’t flex! Because Overwatch is such a hard game to master, mastering one character takes already a lot of time, so 2-3 or more is even more difficult. And being specialized in a role certainly helps, but playing Winston, Rein and Orisa for example is completely different, mastering the three would require a massive amount of time, that most players don’t have. So, yeah, in order to climb, people one-tricked, and people who have been playing constantly since the beginning had the time to learn new characters along the way, but it’s doubtful that many players can pretend to be as strong with other heroes that they are with their main.

Takes too much effort apparently. They’d rather have it forced on everyone than to bother using the tools already available to them.


This idea goes down a very dark road. If the matchmaker was dependent on your past history, pairings would be dictated by what you typically play. In current rule set, I like to experiment with different roles especially based on the map it’s being played. On Lijang Tower, I play Pharah. On Dorado, I play Orisa. Oasis, Tracer. Assault maps, Brigitte. And I also enjoy playing D.Va and Zenyatta in many circumstances. My current season profile is extremely diverse right now.

So the problem here is that a player like me would have a very difficult time filling into a specific role. If I started to play mostly a tank role it would obviously pair me up with players who would most likely be playing damage and support roles, and this results in me being forced to play tank. Without having the fair opportunity to choose another role, without risking the integrity of that match.