Stop acting like nanoblade has no counters

Nanoblade is overtuned, yes but the support mains are acting like chipsa with widow. Its litterally 2 ults together, yet people refuse to waste a junk tire or grav against it for god know what reason. Are u seriously going to act like 2 synergetic ults arent going to be good? grav dragon? shatterbomb? litterally any offensive ult with mei? Nanoblade is def strong and needs nerfs but stop acting like “its litterally indefensible”


Why is it only “support mains” that are apparently saying that?

I’m sure not lol


He didnt say all support mains lmao. Support mains=/=every single support player


It’s not even support mains but ok

Since you agree nano blade is overtuned, we should nerf it


This game has had lots of deadly ult combos that have come and gone, including one that took three players (Mercy, Hanzo, Zarya) and near perfect team play…

So yeah, nanoblade is over powered.

I’m not even a genji main and I’ve nabbed a sextuple kill with the guy thanks to nano. He’s broken, and Ana is broken.


Thats like saying Mercy is op because she can pocket Ashe lmao. Ana is not the problem there


He said “the support mains”

As in one body

It literally implies all

But ok


“The support mains” doesnt imply all support mains. It could, but it doesn’t inherently apply to all. It’s like saying the bullies beat my a**, but you arent talking about all bullies, just the ones that beat your a**.


Except it does

You want to defend his poor wording so badly.

Have it your way.


Literally 0 counterplay.


That’s just how english works, im sorry if you cant understand basic grammar.


The problem is he gets blade too often. They have to increase Ult charge for such powerful ability. 4 straight buffs is just too much in a single patch. If any character gets that treatment, they will get very OP as well.


Except he didn’t say “The support mains that are complaining” or any other qualifier. He said “The support mains”, unqualified. Not the support mains of rank whatever, not the support mains who are too new to remember previous nanoblade metas… unqualified “the support mains”.

Implying the support mains of Overwatch (since this is an overwatch forum, not a general gaming forum), as an entire group.

Unqualified “the ___” like that implies that it’s true of the group generally; not literally all as in “each and every one of them”, but mostly all. Otherwise you would say “some support mains” or use a specific qualifier.

Mostly these days, of course, it’s used to bait people into understanding it as “all” and then you can come back and slam them for rhetorical points “I didn’t say all, you misunderstood my totally accidental implication”.

Unless you’re trying to troll people in that way (which you shouldn’t do, but trolls gonna troll), I really think you shouldn’t use such phrasings. Say all, most, many, or some, whichever you mean, don’t just vaguely imply “all”.

The way I read it, the OP meant “almost all support mains”. Maybe as hyperbole, since it’s a pretty emphatic post, but still, I think that actually is what they meant to say.


I’m a big fan of combining coalescence and beat drop.

It’s exchanging two ults for two ults.

Basically the last paragraph of your post. People are trying to say that OP was talking about all support mains when they were most likely just talking about most support mains. Nowhere in the original post does “the support mains act like” suggest that “the support mains” implicate ALL support mains. The wording could have been more specific but people are using it as an excuse to imply that OP has something against all support mains, or be snobby and say “well I dont do that op, take that, you are clearly wrong” and invalidate the actual point of the post.

I have literally climbed through bronze and silver as Zarya, and I can safely say that dragoning a grav does not require “near perfect team play”, any Hanzo above high bronze knows what to do when they hear Zarya ult. The only extra layer that grav dragon meta added was somebody to type “damage boost Hanzo, I have grav” and the Mercy to do it. Grav +dbdragon was by no means a difficult combo to execute.

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bruh its not as easy as saying “oh a nano genji ill just solo tire him” by the time u do that he already killed your ana,bap and mcree even if you grav him its not hard to get him with his movility


One of the few times Grav is considered a defensive ultimate

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Who runs junk and zarya in 2020? Are you braindamaged or something?

If you are using Zarya’s ult to counter the blade, most often your team will lose a fight in most elo. Not to mention who’ll shoot him through his 2s deflect?

I guess this is why most Zaryas never ult.

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Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t there a cast time for tire? As in before it explodes? Junk will be dead before he does something.

Not to mention I’ll deflect the grav if a zarya becomes too much of a pro. You just need to hear the ult line and since you’ll be in the air or at least 10m away, you’ll have a long time to deflect it.