Still Waiting For The DVA buff

So Dva gets 3 seconds and Winston will not? Even as a test I don’t think it would make him broke, but get away from Reaper, Hanzo and Mei more easily.

And I don’t even see how this is the first thing that comes in mind as a first buff at all, why would she need more booster speed overall?
The problem was never that she could not get a Support or finish off a DPS or whatever, help a teammate for example.

At least in my mind she’s just too easy to get out of mech and I’d also love if the Matrix was a little longer again, since it was only nerfed because of Goats in the first place.

Honestly I’d take Dva Winston Dive as viable option against Sigma Orisa.

My idea would look like:
Increase Dva Armor by 50.
Decrease her Critical Hitbox by 5-10%
Increase her matrix to 12m. (10m before)
Increase Armor by 50.
Decrease Critical Hitbox by 5-10%
Give her another Healing Pack.
Since it’s so easy to get countered with good teamplay and switching to long range / spam heroes it’s so hard to keep up inspire sometimes.
Why does he need so many Storm Arrows again, I know it was already reduced once but still removing 1-2 and he would still be good.

And if you don’t wanna consider anything I’d take 3s cooldown for both mobility abilities on these tanks and I seriously think it would not break the game.

she dont needed those nerfs???

dive was a must pick, with no any posibility to play low movement heros.
now dva is not viable because you have massive powerfull heros on close range like hanzo, mcree, mei , reaper , sigma , orisa.

nerf those heros and dva will be a good pick again… WE CANT CONTINUE BUFFING ALL HEROS ON THE GAME!

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As someone who enjoys playing Winston a bit, primarily for Widow hunting, I’d very much like to see this granted to him too. So many times I jump to the Widow only for her to GRAPPLE away instantly, and I end up losing her. Perhaps that’s a me problem, and I just need to get better at Winston, but it’s also something that I see quite a bit.

Winston simply either cannot evade fast enough or he cannot keep up to the more mobile heroes that he is trying to kill. (From my perspective – Queue the “You are incorrect” replies)

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Dive was absolutely not a must pick out of the pro scene.
In GM, it was played 40% of the time vs 33% for Rein Deathball. That’s the ONLY tier where Dive was above Deathball. D.Va herself capped at 50% pickrate, as she could play with any tank. For comparison, current Rein is at 61% over every tier, and even Hanzo is higher in GM…

As for “no possibility to play low movement heros,” then why was the second most played DPS Soldier: 76?

Reaper is well off-meta in GM and that had no effect on D.Va. McCree isn’t meta either. Orisa is worse than she was when she was considered trash tier. And in the list of heroes you mentionned, the only hero that should counter D.Va is Mei.


on time of dive meta i was on master and almost all matchs were against dive.

and you said that orisa is trash now??? just go and watch the twitch matchs of the gm players.

Yet Dive in Master was played as much as Rein Deathball, that is a third of the time.

She got nerfed a bunch and her powerlevel is lower than when she was considered trash.
Could be that people were wrong, could also be that every other tank got nerfed so much she’s above them now.

D.Va got double sledge hammer nerfed when she absolutely didn’t need it.
Reverting/compensating those nerfs has NOTHING to do with power creep.


Dva only got nerfed because of trying to remove Goats, and since we got 2/2/2 it should at least be a little reverted.
Kinda like the idea of having 3s on Dva Boosters and I wish Winston got 3s on his Jump as well.

Would be a good thing to have more mobile tanks against many enemy DPS.
Not only to dive them but also to protect your teammates.

I’m not sure but I think it would not? hurt if both tanks had like 50 more armor or at least a 5-10% smaller critical Hitbox.

Or if Hanzo got another Storm Arrow removed, I know it only happened recently but it’s still so damn strong.

Dva has bad damage output and 2 seconds of defenses before she gets shot of the meka. What the heck am I going to use that mobility for??

This is beyond frustrating blizzard. Haven’t you seen all the complaints with queue times? You can’t afford to have any single tank be as bad as Dva is. Fix the issues. There’s literally thousands of posts on it. Literally no one has ever suggested a booster buff, so pick something else.


Orisa is still blatantly overpowered right now. Halt and Fortify still need massive nerfs.

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This team are beyond help if they think this trash buff is going to help D.Va.

Half the fricken roster counters her, and her mech and DM are both ineffective garbage. And their bright idea is more boosters.


balancing instead of straight buff would be 1.75X movment (from current 118%) speed while boosing at .60 duration (of current duration) with 3 sec cool-down. she would be like a leap frog. Or any ratio of speed/duration/cool-down. otherwise she can get to point as fast as wrecking ball, if thats what they want thats what will happen. Here is a Workshop code with what i described : 0MPH1

has there been any consideration given to a little more armour? this is not season 3 anymore, triple tank is no longer possible, DM is far more restrained, and ana’s nade was nerfed. plus the rest of the tanks way outstrip her now. not to mention the dps. I think she could do with a little more armour just to not be thrown out of mech so quickly.

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Armor helps against the wrong heroes. Tank busters stay tank busters and sustained damage heroes which are already bad become even weaker and played even less, which makes at the end the net benefit of having the armor 0.

then how do you make her more tanky? a windshield that can’t be critted till the armour is broken?

Reduced critbox for exampel,

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Thank you for giving her something, but this is not enough.
Her boosters won’t matter when you can still get her out of mech in the blink of an eye.

Thanks to power creep we literally have a BETTER in-game right now in the form of two newer champs - Hammond dives faster, has better protection, and a much smaller critbox, and then Sigma, well Sigma is literally an better Anchor-Tank version of! You gave him a better DM that actually gives him shields, he does great damage, PLUS he has a shield, and he has a double-duty CC that not only pushes but stuns.

Back in S2 or S3, with her old DM and old Damage numbers, and none of the new power crept heroes we have now, the 400A/200H buff was broken. Now however, now is the time for that. I was an advocate for 300/300 ever since you reverted 400A/200H…but with the amount of damage in-game now, and the amount of movement and survivability given to new tanks, giving D/va more protection in the form of armor is NOT going to be broken in the least, and I argue wouldn’t fix her biggest problem. But it would go a LONG WAY to making her more playable.


What are you talking about, if she has more boosters you can zoom behind barriers, unload into the tanks or backline with volley while vacuuming their shots, then zoom out when boosters are back off cd.

And yet we know that pure mobility with no impact don’t do a thing. Just nyooming around with no purpose doesn’t kill enemy team.

If wrecking ball didn’t have piledrive and ability to actually shoot at his enemies and be threathening, his mobility would be nothing but mere annoyance.

I want to see the dva who can nyoom behind enemy doublebarrier team and unload her puny micromissiles into them and somehow make it out alive freely when said tanks with stuns she can’t dm, halts and the remainder team sitting behind the barrier unload damage onto her. :joy:

All the mobility in the world doesn’t make up for her lack of attack and defensive power. Wet paper bag doesn’t become more threathening even if said wet paper bag is flying around indefinitely.

I mean you can just look at mercy and how useless she is, despite additional mobility from guardian angel and even superjump being found out and everyone slowly mastering her guardian angel usage. She moves around a whole lot more… but the support being meta has an ability that saves people if they don’t move too much.

Mobility isn’t an “I win”-button anymore. Dva could have infinite flight and still be a bad character, all it would make her is a far worse wrecking ball. If the devs who can’t shoot teleport constructs don’t feel like 3second booster is too much, you know the buff itself is going to be super underwhelming.

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