Still Waiting For The DVA buff

Perhaps a very small armor adjustment would be beneficial as well?

I agree with scrapping her boop. Most of the time her boops actually hurts me because when I dive someone, it knocks them away from me. I would rather have her be resistance to other character’s boops when her thrusters are activated.


Looks like thats something that a lot of people cant understand, the major problem with its her massive critbox

I can’t agree with scrapping her boop just to compensate for shorter booster cd.

Booping people around hasn’t been an issue with dva, her boop is relatively weak, but we certainly don’t need more frequent booping just for the sake of it.

Everyone hates cc and knockbacks ever since knockback changes.

Yes. It’s just a horrendous design. They decided to put it in the middle of her body so you hit it all the time on accident.

boosters arent the problem jeff, her crit box is, shes getting de meched instantly way to often and baby dva is a burden
edit: its not jeff XD, Josh


Gonna be honest this seems like the logic we should expect at this point. Ignore the thing people are talking about, tamper with something no one thought was an issue. People complain about DVa’s survivablilty, they change her mobility. People complain about Baptiste’s unnecessary damage buff, they nerf his immortality field.

I’m actually impressed with the willingness to ignore player feedback when its backed up by what’s actually happening in the game.


I very much agree that boosters wasn’t the issue. Sure it will provide better mobility but it may just make D.Va a more defensive tank which isn’t really her play style i.e. she just isn’t tanky right now to play in the front lines as a tank. Boosters may just allow her to retreat more.

But time will tell, let’s see how this pans out…

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Happy to see some Dev responses on these forums. You guys have been mostly radio silent for quite a while now and it’s caused nothing but unrest in these forums thinking you’ll do nothing until OW2.

Sigma was one of the worst additions to this game.

They basically made a tank have EVERYTHING all the other tanks have… What were they thinking? lol


I warned from the very start, in fact I made a thread saying he was the tank’s version of vanilla Brig being added to the game. Look at the chain reaction he’s caused.

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He lacks mobility.
But I guess he gets enhanced stealth in exchange for it, from a certain point of view.

Regarding D.Va: the number one, easiest thing they could change to improve her overall is ditching the movement slowdown when firing.

Moderately improving Boosters just calls attention to it more, unless they went ALL OUT and gave her infinite boost, because then it would be irrelevant.

That’s one of the last things that’s been the same since launch.:frowning:

If you slowly replace every part of a car over the course of a few years, is it still the same car you purchased?

If you completely change every facet of D.Va’s kit since launch, is it still the D.Va I mained?


Well i mean, the chasis is still the same, but i get what you mean

Isn’t that the most common hypothetical for it? Or, uh. Your body over time completely replaces every cell over the course of years as they die out etc etc

I think that the body takes 7 years to fully replace all of your cells so yeah you’re right

what if boosters were resource like DM.

Unnecessary and overcomplicated in the sense of D.Va now has a million meters

it would be a second meter (2), just like the DM meter but okay.

It’s good because mobility the most versatile attribute. If Genji got a mobility buff he would be much better than the laughable 6 shurikens. Tracer too. That fall off damage buff was better than what Genji got but still did nothing for her.