Still no Sym on PTR FeelsBadMan

It’s been 2 weeks since “very soon” : ( Jebaited


you get used to the disappointment after following Blizzard games for a while.


This will probably be the same situation as Blizzard world, Jeff said the map will be on the PTR “very soon” at Blizzcon 2017 but we had to wait weeks still.

It sucks :frowning:

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I think this is the longest gap they’ve had between “very soon” and actual release.


They cant tease a rework of these proportions and then leave us hanging :weary:unless they want a revolt lol


“Very soon” is pretty relative, so it requires context. If they’ve been working and reworking sym for months, then a few weeks is well within the scope of “very soon” from the devs perspective.

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It’s been like a week and a half…

tfw ull never see how all those different beta syms they tested looked like

I do wish we could see all the ideas they go through. Even for hanzo I think it would’ve been fun to see how well their piercing arrow concept worked.

Hanzo hit PTR at around 6pm est.

It’s not even 4.

She could still hit today


Its been 2, almost 3 since the “very soon” announcement. Not counting the initial announcement which is even longer. With everything they’ve told us it sounds like they at least should have a ptr-ready symmetra by now. But i dunno what goes on in there so w/e

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For such a large well funded company they take forever for updates.


Jeff please I need to see the damage you did to my sym

I want some balance updates to supports as much as im intrigued to see new sym tbh, mercy and zen are too good, lucio’s and ana’s ultimates are underpowered.

edit: oops didnt mean to reply to you specifically astro :stuck_out_tongue:

The supports don’t need any buffs or nerfs except ana

Beg to differ, Ana getting buffs won’t help her until Mercy’s Res is nerfed. And Lucio’s Sound Barrier is generally much less effective than other defensive ults.

Hard to determine the changes as “damage” when she’s already a bottom-tier pick, but sure?

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lol ,she’ll be A-tier at the very least.

There hasn’t to Be a worst defensive ult

Someone has to fill last place