Still no mercy and zen nerfs?

Tanks are very strong and they usually dictate the meta. Of course they constantly need changes

Agreed she has the lowest deaths but that’s in exchange for her not being able to do much but just one thing at a time.

I find it astonishing that people keep forgetting that pick and winrate for meta characters are usually high…because they are meta. It doesn’t matter which character replaces them, it’s going to be the same thing. The cycle continues, over and over again.


Zen might need adjusting because the 30% discord destroys tanks. If they wanna nerf damage boost on Mercy to 25% too I wouldn’t be mad.

I dont see any good reason for them to be nerfed at this time, so the fact that they havent been nerfed recently is unsurprising to me

that said, I have stated elsewhere that I see Mercy as very slightly tilted towards the OP side of things due to her +5 HPs/s buff, so that could conceivably be removed…but then again, the tilt isnt a big one and most of the characters are slightly tilted one direction or another wayway.

When mercy is first place in pickrate in 1 rank while ana is dominating all ranks besides bronze and GM. Though dmg boost needs to be 25% and not 30%.

This is a joke, right?

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lol as a mercy and zen main

i agree on zen nerfs but not on mercy nerfs. mercy needs a buff imo. her carry potential is just cheeks. but i think that’s a kit problem rather than a simple buff/nerf issue


The fact mercy has been in the game since launch and they don’t understand damage boost is what she is really played for is actually just them actively ignoring problems. Hit scans have been really strong and mercy can make them even more potent with damage boost. If you do manage to kill one they get a res for their reward of being out played and they go right back to work.

If they would understand they need to give damage boost a resource meter like moira has for healing so that mercy can’t be a tape worm for a pharah or hit scans. This will allow for skill caps to rise since you now can’t just hold M1 or m2.

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I know that, I’m just pointing out that calling her the least survivable support is objectively false when you have heroes like Zen and Ana that have their survivability tied directly to skillshots.


Oh no I’m not disagreeing with you. I’m agreeing and providing context.

You’re right in that she’s possibly the support with the MOST survivability next to Lucio thanks to his speed, boop and wallride.


I agree but I’m not sure it’s worth arguing. Someone did a poll and like 30% of forum users were mercy mains, and support bias overall is strong.
Don’t want to bash anyone but it still beats me how supports still think mercy and especially zen isn’t busted. :thinking:

Hopefully blizzard can get their stuff together for next exp card

not at all…


mercy’s boost is fair though :thinking:
She can’t heal and boost at same time. she has trouble making up healing if her target is damaged while boosting due to no emergency healing skill.

ana had higher and even devs seem to say she was fine for years :thinking:

Mercy is versatile. She is always a fair pick. you can literally mix her in with any other healer.

coming from a lvl 25 with private profile :upside_down_face:

how about the dps who cried about their nerfs?
or how tanks cried about sigma being destroyed with his nerf? or the hamsters?

fun fact: every role has bias on forums!

and dont go “support biased on forums” given Mercy had the most hate of all heroes ever on forums. We were hated on for months.

Mercy’s base kit is one of the healthiest in the entire game.

She can only do 1 thing at a time.
she can ONLY heal a set amount to 1 target.
She has NO burst heal as every other healer (except zen) has.
She has no utiltiy outside her rez and dmg boost. (both of which have drawbacks to use)

Zen’s dmg boost is kind of his only thing.

his healign is very low. (30 hp/s ST)
He is picked for his damage (throguh his attacks and his discord).

yes, him and mercy work well together. Heroes working together is kind of how games ALWAYS been.


Man please don’t come to forums to ask for support nerfs these people are wayy to delusional and ill give you a tip balance team probably don’t see what forums have to say on balance

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This is bait… Huge bait. If you guys have more than half the average IQ for a human being you will spend your time discussing something else instead of discussing this with this person…

Show me the issue. Zen has good stats, but not insanely good and Mercy has moderat good stats.

pick rate/winrate doesn’t equate balance or OP, mercy and zen are not the only players in a match. If zen and mercy aren’t dieing ask the tracer or the hitscans why.

If they are as OP as you say why are you not playing them?

put zen discord back down to 25%
nerf heroes that are strong mercy pockets except pharah (as most of these damage heroes are meta)
reduce overall burst damage across all heroes except ones that are weak at the moment like doom pharah etc
this whole situation is sorted if blizzard can do something like this effectively


movement ability with one of the shortest cooldowns in the whole game , literally ant hitbox , automatic health regeneration after not taking any damage for a short second , instant automatic health regen in ult

“least survivable support” HAHAHAHAHA