STILL No Fix For Ongoing PS5 Framerate Issues

No fix, no support, no mention whatsoever.

I won’t go into a ton of extra detail here since this issue has been thoroughly described in numerous forum and Reddit posts, but Overwatch is not working on PS5 for many people. For me, this framerate bug only cropped up once Season 12 dropped, but I can find dozens of accounts describing identical experiences across the internet dating back to 2022.

Finally got a video of it tonight:

I know nothing about how this stuff works, but to my eyes it looks like it’s related to loading textures and game assets, especially since the worst moments are during load in, respawn, and kill cams (and many textures continue to look… underbaked after they’ve loaded in). Particle effects seem to grind the entire game to a halt, as well as in-match menus and character selection screens.

DO NOTE that this is a relatively mild example, as it’s truly so bad during matches as a player that I had to record this as a spectator in order to not disrupt a match through forced inactivity.

Blizzard, please, please don’t turn me into a conspiracy theorist. I honestly wouldn’t do well in that scene. Just explicitly acknowledge and then fix this so I don’t have to go on thinking that y’all are deprioritizing Overwatch support for PS5 issues now that Microsoft is your daddy.

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I am also having this same issue on ps5 and is progressively getting worse. The issue happens during kill cams and eventually happens mid-team fights causing my character to run aimlessly.

I agree with all the details in the original post. It is the exact same issue.

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Just saw this in the most recent patch notes:

Fixed an issue that caused large FPS drops at the start and end of matches on PlayStation® 5 consoles.

But I can confirm this has not resolved the issue, which was still just as bad as recently as last night (9/10). The problem is not only present at the beginning and end of matches anymore, but increasingly during games as well (see video clip). The same phenomenon is leading to overheating as well (replicated on two different consoles), which is leading me to believe that something about the graphics rendering for PS5 is poorly optimized and taking way too much processing power.

Is it the new weather settings and all corresponding lighting/shadows on all the assets and textures? No clue.

But this is still very much a thing.


I feel like a crazy person but I am now on my THIRD brand new PS5 and it’s still happening as recently as this morning.

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Many others and me have been concerned about these performance issues for the past 2 years. I’ve made dozens of threads during the countless patch releases that bricked the PS5 version again and again. There is truly something wrong with the PS5 build, maybe even with the whole engine of the game. It’s embarrassing how all we got since the worst of all patches (Season 8) is a bandaid fix that changed the game from totally unplayable to barely playable. the game stutters and has had audio issues since season 2 or 3 I believe. We’re now in season 12, it is still pretty bad, audio/footsteps are muffled or non existent, hitboxes and favour the shooter feels extremely unnatural due to server desync issues. long playsessions can’t be done since the performance gets worse and worse the longer you play. It almost feels like if it demands too much from the PS5/PSN servers, although it is brand new and in a perfect state. nothing we can do but just pray for a better day. And I won’t buy a PS5 Pro or switch to Xbox just for that issue. It’s current gen, it should play smoothly by now. I for my part have chosen to stay away from shop purchases though until any real fix happens.

Yep, I did the same mistake, sold my Day1 PS5, wasted money on a PS5 slim that I then sent back to sony for repairs, just to get a new one. the issues persist. tested it on my friends PS5, same stuff. It’s the game that is bugged.

New season is out and one of the games I played in the new arcade mode I was dropping frames a lot so guess this issue will never truly be fixed

Yep, I opened a couple of support tickets in the last 2 years, the only thing they reply is that it’s a Sony issue, then proceed to close the ticket. Then, we get a Season 8 release where even the least attentive person experiences the framedrops and then they make a band-aid fix that doesn’t even solve all the performance issues. they come back and back around again. every other patch. The PS5 build will never be entirely fixed. Time to go buy an Xbox, although I’ve heard of similar issues over there. All we can hope for is a patch where they at least adresss the big fpsdrop spikes and fix the input lag n audio issues, that would be a start.