Still no Contenders Symmetra after 7 hours

May I speak to the manager? Because I’ve been bamboozled.

I left the stream on all night. I left the stream before on the whole time as well.

Yes my account is connected.
Yes I’m watching on the website.
Yes I’m in a valid region to receive rewards.
Yes I’m following all the requirements and still nothing.

I’m using Chrome, if that matters.

please just go back to twitch

Update 29/10


Then im not the only one with this. I left it for 3 hours and watched the previous for 6 hours. For some reason the account disconnected after refreshing and i always had to log back in. And for some odd reason there were 2 streams and no one knew which will drop.

Please, but that doesn’t happen because YT gave them money .


We’ve been clowned :clown_face: what do you expect when it’s a skin for Sym?


Nobody has the skin yet afaik.

They need to be “live” videos and not pre-recorded videos.
Did you watch them “live”?

Also I did have a similar situation that my videos just paused every now and then (Yes, I left it on whilst I was asleep. It’s night when it’s on in my country)


Yes, I watched the South American playoffs last night and I left it on the entire time. Plus I watched the Korean stream a few days ago, so I’ve definitely clocked in more than 7 hours at this point.

I’ve put a ticket in anyways.

how much did yesterday’s broadcast last ? i was a sleep and i wanna calculate how much hours i have.

Like 3 hours. I think the first broadcast only lasted about 3 hours as well. So nobody has it cause it hasn’t been 7 hours.

The collegiate hours don’t count.

wait what ? wasn’t the first one 6 30 hours? ive saw people in twitter that tweeted pictures that they got the skin so i think some people got it.

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Huh… actually yeah you’re right. I actually have the sym skins… weird…

Enjoy your skin , i should get it by tommorow , next week ill get the mercy skin hopefully , Good luck !

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I have the Tyrande Sym skin so I really don’t have any need for it unfortunately. But as a Mercy main, I NEED all of her skins! So gl to you too!


where are you guys watching the videos? the website don’t’ even show me any live video when i log in.

because currently there is no broadcast , when there is a broadcast , it should just appear on the main page just like the OWL website.


Just this site for now. I don’t think it works on YouTube and Twitch, etc yet. The things we do to get new skins! :neutral_face:

Have you tried revoking and resetting your Overwatch League page permissions? Go to and click remove for this section (pictured below). Then go back to and sign back in and approve all three permissions. This fixes most problems. I also have advanced troubleshooting in my streaming guide thread.

Be prepared that game masters for Blizzard Customer Service are not able to directly drop any streaming rewards, they will most likely provide you with troubleshooting similar to what I have.

About 5 and half hours, I list the total broadcast times for past matches in my streaming guide thread (click here)

The Korean Playoffs match actually lasted a whole 6.5 hours! So there have been about 12 hours total of broadcast time. But yes, Collegiate overwatch doesn’t count.

Right now there are no live matches at the time of your post (nor during my post). The next match will be in about 10 hours and you must watch on Overwatch Esports.

Correct, there are no broadcasts whatsoever on Twitch, and YouTube does not yet directly provide rewards for any Overwatch stream (this is something they have plans to get working at a later time).


oh man, so there’s no chance to get the mercy skin anymore?

there is plently of matches left , from 29th october to 31st october , each broadcast is about 7+ hours , so you will get the skins pretty easily.