State of the Tank Roster Tier List

As a tank player, I want shields to disppear from the game.

With that I mean: Tanks are only in a good place once each one can be (almost) viable without using a shield.

Rein probably needs his shield, but what about Orisa and Sigma? I actually enjoy Orisa and Sigma greatly, but it always feels like the shield is holding them back one way or another. Orisa having to rely on her shield makes go completely static and unfun for attack, and while Sigma has a stun + Defense Matrix healing thing, he still needs his shield to contest anyone with more range than him.

I want Sigma to be viable without a shield (or have it be as low hp that it functions as a Zarya bubble / Brig shield), I want Orisa to be able to not die when just walking to the payload.

And personally, I want people to forget any definition relating to “this has to be main tank and this one has to off-tank, tanks shouldn’t be able to do both”. But I personally want tanks to fit either role, meaning I want them to be always viable. This is why Sigma and Ball are (were?) fun to play: they have weaknesses, but can fill both roles

The most hilarious part about all this is that this has all happened just because of Sigma’s release. No tank player has had fun ever since Sigma was released.

Except not nearly as much when you factor in his barrier as a means of surviving when a healer isn’t paying attention.

200 hp per second barrier regen, is no joke.

Yea but most of his ult charge comes from firestrike and right now it’s a death sentence to firestrike below max health or if not bubbled. He usually drops below half health whenever he firestrikes and with nerfed heals that takes a while to heal up.

Even trying to do a single hammer swing can take a lot of your health.

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Well also, standing behind a Rein is usually the safest place to be in a fight. So it’s not that difficult for Rein’s to get heals.

When was the last time you played Rein solo queue?

This strikes me as a statement from 2018.

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Everything is relative.

Fact is, between his barrier regen and likelihood of getting healer positioning and attention.

He’s a lot easier to maintain on Gold/Plat with weaker healer attention, than Orisa/Winston/ that just…die, if they get ignored.

I was playing a lot of hanzo before recent patch. I ALREADY thought he was the strongest Dps in the game. But now he’s ridiculous. That buff was so unneeded.

The only difference is now I can pretty much always kill Hammond with storm arrows. He’s still incredibly strong in a ton of different situations.

Buffs like this are such a head scratcher. Hanzo was already strong and he’d be meta this patch even if they kept him the same.

But they did nothing to help monkey and D.Va who’ve been out of meta forever and are still hard af to get value with.

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Oh I see, I’m naming that the “Mitrovaar problem”. People play other tanks like they’re Rein and expect the same value.

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Why this crazy, most people want the game to be in a good spot, not biased and actually not fun. Just because someone mains a role doesn’t mean they want said role to be op and to dominate for free value…

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16 patches later and nothing has changed.

Tank TTK is as low it gets, CC has increased from January with the Doom cooldown and Halt buff.

Nothing is being done, even Overwatch 2 scares me now because Geoff Goodman is oblivious and still in charge.


I think we should mention how in OW2, Sombra will be better at screwing over tanks, and even more so then as she will be able to melt them just as easily if she is kept the same.

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Can’t believe I fell for it again honestly.

“In OW2 we’ll have a lot less CC”*

Just not less enough to make tanks fun I see.

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They’re reducing CC, but seem to, at least with Sombra, to be upping damage by a lot

also her EMP does 40% damage to people affected by it, combined with taking 50% more damage from her for the rest of that time, I feel like it s gonna be terrible for tanks without shields

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Oh I know they’re removing some, I just remain unconvinced of the amount and commitment of such decision.

There should not be a non-ult stun outside of tanks in the entire game of 5v5, including Sombra’s silence, otherwise tanks get forked up the butt with chain CC.

And maybe it is balanced and maybe it is worth to win the team fight but who the fork is gonna queue for that? I’m not.

i don’t know what you’re talking about, dva feels great to play right now, and i think most tanks are in an ok spot

Well enjoy them.

Hopefully queue times improve since tanks are apparently in a good spot.

16 patches later and Tanks are more balanced now than ever. Gone are the days of 2 tanks controlling 80% of the pickrate

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Queue times will continue to worsen until OW2 goes live, that’s just normal considering everything.

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And you hope they don’t worsen afterwards.