State of the Tank Roster Tier List

“Something” has to be the best.
So it might as well be Dive.

Dive meta is the only comp that

  1. Deals with Snipers in a way that isn’t Defensive, or more Snipers
  2. Isn’t a High Sustain composition
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What’s very frustrating too is that there’s a decent portion of the playerbase that wants to explode tanks, and felt that tanks existing and healers being able to keep things up is denying them their job.

I don’t know how we can meld those two views.


I’m not ignoring it, I just don’t view it as a problem.

Because I consider Overwatch to be primarily a Class Based Shooter game.

Not a Third Person MOBA.

Tanks would definitely explode far easier now when they’ve removed most of their barriers and dps would have zero issues even if they got damage nerfs.

Then it would just come down to adjusting more.

The problem is blizzard has intentionally caused this massive damage powercreep by changing their design philosophy from teamwork to individual impact. So they’re essentially letting dps roam freely and explode things with a snap of their fingers.

One global change they did that causes hitscans to be problematic is definitely the hitscan falloff damage reduction being buffed from -70% damage dealt to -50% damage dealt and they should start from there.

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Yeah, I don’t disagree. The problem is that a lot of DPS players want that. They don’t like teamwork, they want incredibly high individual impact. How do you merge that at all with it being a team based game?

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Well, they could make it so that damage boosted headshots don’t boost the headshot portion of the damage.

So it’s a total of 230% instead of 260%.

Or in the case of Widow, 280% instead of 325%.

Would open the door to things like 60hps Mercy.

Their game is dying, all main tanks have actually disappeared and yet we somehow still force players to play tanks. Game is too deeply built in teamwork aspects to just drop it now.

Blizzard is too lenient when it comes to adressing dps powercreep just because they fancy their one part of the playerbase liking to be unstoppable machinegun spammers.

It would fix characters like Genji too, without actually needing to touch his stats, if other overbearing characters are brought down a notch.

Game is dying, tanks are gone because they just explode and too much damage is the reason. They have all the stats and they need to do some heavy handed nerfs if they want this game to survive to OW2 which is apparently not going to appear for quite some time. But they don’t want to, because blizzard is stubborn and activison wants the game to be another cod, just with tanks and supports to slaughter.


No. Dying in a shooter game isn’t a problem, it’s a core aspect of expected gameplay.

The problem is because Tanks are too reliant on Healers and DPS to get results.

For instance, Healthpacks are heavily biased against Tanks.

75healing from a small healthpack is 37.5% of a 200hp heroes max health.

But only 12.5% of’s max health.

And if you look at the “problem tanks”, it’s primarily, Winston and Orisa. The Tanks that are the most reliant on Healers.

Dying instantly as a tank hero is not part of the core aspect of gameplay, it’s the very opposite.


Dying quickly to focus fire isn’t a problem in a shooter game.

And from my perspective, if people want to have any prayer of convincing current DPS players to play Tank.
It’s by making Tanks have desirable playstyles to those players.

Not sanctimoniously demanding Tanks be designed like they come from MOBAs or RPGs.

There’s decades of lineage of “Heavy” character designs in class based shooters to pull on. And they should be using that tried and true industry standard for Class Based Shooter design.

Not this RPG/MOBA nonsense that’s been horribly unpopular since the launch of the game.

I miss any "Tanks from FPS games"?

It’s hardly focus fire when Hanzo slams down one button and suddenly deals 350dmg without even headshotting in 1.25 seconds. Or echo beams someone at 50% hp with her 200dps murder laser for 2 seconds.

The problem is no longer even requiring focus fire to just delete a tank with triple the amount of hp of other cast.


I mean, you’re not gonna hear me argue against nerfing those two specific abilities.

That’s more to do with heroes having way too strong close range, and also really strong long range, on evasive characters.

Additionally the risk-reward ratio is out of whack, making those abilities too close to “I win buttons”

Which is a heck of a lot more specific than the mindnumbingly lazy “muh powercreep” argument.

With hits and they should probably do something like what they did mccree a while back, which is drastically increased drop off so they have to give some safety in order to get rewarded.

Also, with ashe and widow they should make their aimed shots be projectiles instead of hitscan to make it sniping more skillful.

I wasn’t talking about how fun it is to play as Hammond, though :confused:

McGravy, played for LA Valiant last year:

Bogur, former T2/T3 MT, retired last year (this is a longer thread, I don’t think I can post the rest without being silenced):


Thanks! Time to update the post again uwu

From a support main who always looks after my main tank…

Oh look, the Top 500s are finally catching up with what I was saying 6+ months ago. Cute. :rofl:

The solution has been obvious for months now.

Tone down hitscan and CC.

Problem alleviated.

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Rein is extremely reliant on healers too.