State of Sombra

I completely disagree but I play in plat-diamond so maybe it’s different in higher/lower levels
I think she’s balanced at the moment not in need of anything, I’m usually able to box other dps and make good team plays with EMP

She was in a fairly decent spot.

But now that Echo is here and she’s not affected by Sombra, and since her kit is pretty busted, she’s going to be trash again. :joy:

Regardless, I say this as someone with 300+ hours on Sombra. Never ever buff hack, ever.

Scrap infinite stealth. Give me the ability to contest points and move +75% faster. No one wanted that to be infinite, anyways…

in my opinion, I never thought she was bad. In my opinion she shouldn’t be touched. she is great at countering picks. for instance seh is number 1 counter to ball. she also counters good at countering dive. as well as countering metas with powerful ults. for instance she was great during goats cause she countered them.

so basically power creep. if a meta comes where she counters she will be played

Personally, if I could have one buff for her, get rid of that 2 second cooldown for being damaged while hacking. It serves no practical purpose and it’s awkward. Either that or give a damage threshold before Hack breaks, 20-25 damage or so, but I think getting rid of the cooldown would be the easier route.

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Didnt they fix hack interactions with Echo to cancel her abilities?


It’s intentional. :confused:

Thats inconsistent and dumb. Hack cancels button press passives. Echos flight works just like Mercys.

Apparently not.

Which is why I feel like they want Echo to be uncontested and busted.

hack and stealth are countered by bad luck, your translocator can become a death trap, no one gives a **** about hacked enemys and your weapon works only well on tanks and even if you ignore these issues you still have to pray every EMP that your team isn’t totally useless and gets **** done. You can play incredible good … if your team can’t keep up with you you are useless.

Or just give audio Q’s for your team when you hack someone and suddenly it’s a lot easier to follow up on your sombra

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I tested playing Sombra with and without callouts for month and the shocking result was using mic and making calls or turnung off all chats made zero difference on my winrate.

Why homogenize her and make her like other hitscan?

Can’t Sombra be Sombra? Leave her alone!!!

Fine, leave her as is then, keeping Bastion company.

No skin off my back.

Buffs. 100%

Invis needs a rework entirely, but on a gauge system like D.VA.

Hack needs to give Sombra 10% extra damage against hacked targets so shes actually a DPS and doesn’t have to rely on her team 100% of the time.

Translocator needs to be knocked back down to 4s.

EMP needs to last 7 seconds while hack does only 6. She would be fixed if these went through

Absolutely, she could use some nerfs.


6mps base movement speed.
Color swap hack visuals on friendlies and enemies(purple on red and red on blue instead of the current opposite).
50% falloff penalty instead of 70%.
Either lower TL cooldown or revert it back to 4s/2s TL.

I’d like an Experimental card where Sombra can hack while staying invisible. You’d still hear the hacking sound and her footsteps but she’d remain invisible. And I do mean JUST hacking though, not shooting while invisible.

The problem I often see with most Sombra players - at least in QP anyway (since I don’t play Comp) - is the TIME it takes for the player for decision-making. Not sure how else to explain it. But most Sombras have to ‘assess’ the battlefield situation while either flanking or going behind enemy lines while staying under cover. During that time, be it 1 or 2 minutes, she actively does NOTHING to the enemy team.

In other words, a Sombra brings the ‘effective’ team to 5 players, while she has to assess, position, place her teleporter (or whatever the thing is called, I don’t play her enough to know the names by heart), check enemy positioning, and eventually pick a ‘viable’ target to try and isolate, hack and take down.

The amount of time during which a Sombra is ‘actively doing something’ against the enemy team versus the amount of time she’ll have to assess and just run around invisible is disproportionate and very often ends up being a disadvantage to her team. But that’s not her fault, she is DESIGNED to be that way. It’s just that I’d rather have… say… a Junkrat spamming grenades in general directions eventually hitting something somewhere every 5 seconds, over having a Sombra that maybe hacks someone successfully and maybe gets one pick only once every 2 minutes.

Now, don’t get me wrong. Yes, I have seen very good Sombras around that seemingly kill more than a good McCree. But they are extremely rare. A bit like good Tracers or good Widows, sure they pop in from time to time and they’re impressive to see in action. But in general, nah.

The irony is Sombra is probably 2nd right next to Widow as the Heroes I’d love to get good at. I love her design (visually) and voice actress and overall kit. But the gameplay aspect is rough on the edges.

Overwatch is a team based game and I think she functions well in the context she was made. She does well and yea you can get countered by bad luck but you shouldn’t be putting yourself in bad situations, I’m satisfied with how she is currently

By flight I assume they mean her shift ability. I’m certain her glide passive doesn’t work when hacked.

She fun to play regardless of whether you win or lose, so she’s fine.

The changes i’d like would be drastic reductions in audio cues because it kinda defeats the point of stealth when you’re telegraphing everything you do.