State of OW "matchmaking" in 2020

ult charge has a lot to do with it as well and the slightest difference in skill leads to compounding victory via the games design.


i have a lot of sympathy for people getting bad matches thanks to the crappy matchmaker, but your story is SO far off the common experience, that i am hardly able to believe anything you say.

if even half of the stuff you tell is true, you seriously should not play the game for your own mental health.

you are either tilting/throwing to oblivion the moment, you start your game, or you are having some sort of REAL handicap, that you aren‘t aware of.

but stop your annoying crying, ffs.
all you posts are completely self-centered.


Smurfs avoiding q times, trying to group w friends, and hackers will kill this game.

Balancing a team game around solo q, mmr, and pbsr solely has killed the game.

All problems including hacking toxicity q times would of been solved with letting groups of 6 stomp solo q and small groups. Team q would also had worked. Clans would of worked.

Its so obvious that if team work was incentivised every problem would of been solved by the community.

Instead devs are raping the community with forced pools forced metas forced role q. forced brig skin main screen just enough.


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Of course my posts are self-centered. Just like yours. Just like everyone else’s. So have you gone out of your way to criticize everyone else too?

As for whatever my problem is and how to improve, all I can tell you is in five years I’ve been completely open to trying every method thrown at me, some of them even several times. But NOTHING helps. There’s clearly something that could work, but what could that be? Perhaps you have a suggestion?

And again, remember I"m not trying to be top 500 or something. ALL I’m asking for is the ability to get to 1501 SR. Everyone on these forums says that’s TRIVIAL and they can do it in a couple hours. So what are they doing that’s so amazingly fantastically different?

i’ve seen people tell you many times and you ignore them every time. maybe you should try listening next time.

“calm down…”


Since you know everything… Name ONE thing people have told me to do to improve that I have not tried.

i don’t know everything, nor have i ever claimed to, but i know that if you listened to some of the helpful advice people gave you instead of spending all of your time sharing all your angries on the forum you’d be able to hit silver easily.

people have told you to focus on yourself and stop spending all of your time sharing all your angries on the forums and you’ll climb. that’s two things.

“calm down…”


how does resetting mmr stop unranked to GM accounts xDD ? They gonna bring them all up again

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I spend a VERY small fraction of my time on the forums, so that’s completely disingenuous of you.

And I’ve listened to FAR more than “some” of the helpful advice I’ve received. Haven’t hit silver “easily” as a result. So you don’t “know” anything of the sort, and in fact your supposition has repeatedly been proven false.

But I haven’t given up, I keep trying. Just need some bit of advice that actually works for me. ASSUMING that climbing is actually possible for me in the first place, of course.

I still maintain that, based on my observations, my individual performance doesn’t matter for squat. ALL that matters is win streaks. That’s how everyone (other than me) goes up in SR.

oh, i forgot to mention, you have to apply it too.

that’s not true, for one, but do you really think you’re qualified to say how other people are able to climb? maybe you should take the advice of some of the people who are able to climb.

if all you’re going to do is come back over and over with “nothing works, what should i do? i already tried that once and it didn’t work” then there’s no help for you, but not from lack of everyone trying. nobody is going to give you silver, you have to earn it - and the only way you’re going to earn it is if you stop whining, stop saying “woe is me, all is suffering”, stop burning goodwill and attacking people who try to help you. get a coach, work with them. you can get good, but you have to change your attitude. or don’t, and you’ll find that more and more people will offer you nothing more than “get good” - and you’ll deserve it.

“calm down…”


Everyone on this forum and off has said that the way they ranked up is by win streaks. I think your whole schtick is just to say everything I say is wrong. You refuse to have anything remotely close to an open mind when it comes to my experiences. Maybe if you started with a bit of positive energy yourself, you wouldn’t make such boldly incorrect assumptions.

this is laughably untrue, especially below diamond.

i’ll leave you now. best wishes in getting good!

“calm down…”

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just think about it one minute. you are playing a game for four years, that makes you angry, frustrated and genuinely unhappy.

you tried everything and nothing worked. why can‘t you let it go? why can‘t you just play something different? spend your time with something that makes you feel good and laid back?

serious question.

it‘s totally okay to say „you know what, this isn‘t making me happy/working for me!“ and walk away from whatever it is or whoever it is that is keeping you from the happiness you deserve…

the difference between me and you is, that i have a positive vision for overwatch in my head that i want to talk about. because in it‘s core, overwatch is a great game that stays way below its potential. i have also made very unpleasant and frustrating experiences that can‘t be just boiled down to „git gud“, but nevertheless i know the difference between general requirements, my own shortcomings and the messy matchmaker. i may be hard stuck in gold, but even i wouldn‘t say that the matchmaker is „rigged“ against single individuals. it is just generally bad at guessing skill and easy to manipulate top-down by good players.


This is 100% true, matchmaking is completely broken and they devs have no plans to fix it. In their opinion it’s working well. Maybe it’s good on PC but for me on PS4 it’s absolutely horrible. 30% of the games have leavers. There’s zero consistency in the quality of your team mates. I play over 100 hours every seasons and fluctuate between silver and diamond. Feel free to check my stats. So please tell me if the matchmaking is “balanced” how is possible to be fluctuating 1000 Sr regularly?


I’m literally realizing the same thing right now. The console matchmaking is complete garbage. There is no developer feedback to improving it. The smurf problem is something else that overlaps this. I just hope more people stop playing this game so something actually gets done. Especially if OW2 sales get hurt.


This is what I find the most hilarious of all. Priorities from the latest dev update? Communication wheels, sorted player icons, and a no-one-asked-for CC experiment.

How about a proper reset and some ladder accountability.


Look, matches often being stomps is just the nature of the game. Ultimate economy is a huge part of that. The team that wins a fight is rewarded with even more power. The team that has control of the objective has to invest less to win, leading to more efficiency. The game is snowbally by nature. If you fail to stop that it will lead to one sided matches. This happens in scrims and leagues as well. You can have two teams who are evenly matched trading maps back and forth, yer some of those maps will still be stomps. This is under ideal conditions where both teams practice together, know how to manage economy, are planning ult usage, etc. MM is going to be worse. You have a lot more chaos, a lot more things that can just cause a team to under perform. Lack of familiarity, lack of planning, different mindsets and understanding of the game, heroes pools that don’t mesh, etc. This means that even a perfectly matched game skill wise on the individual level can be mismatched at the team level because one team just doesn’t work as well together. This disadvantaged team is going to be prone to getting stomped. They’ll have worse ult usage team wide killing their ult economy, they’ll have more openings, they’ll have a harder time co-ordinating to stop the snowball.

Basically the long and short of it is, even if the MM was perfect at gauging player skill and making 50/50 matches you would STILL see stomps by the nature of this game, and the nature of playing with randoms.


We need a reset to sr and competitive mode to lvl 70 or 100.

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Fellow ps4 player here. I’m gold support and bronze/ silver tank. I’m noticing circa 30% games with leavers as well.

Utterly ludicrous. I don’t take comp seriously anymore. I can’t when nearly 1/3 of games determined/ cancelled by leavers.


What bothers me the most is ever since role queue, the system pretty much assumes you’re a similar rank in other roles to your main. So many of my losses are when someone who is clearly a support main decides to DPS, or a DPS plays tank and ONLY plays Hog no matter what.