Starting to despise rein

Seriously, can we just hurry up and nerf this brainless hero to the ground? Every single game there is one, and all he does is hold down left click and right click. He walks towards you, and does whatever he wants and receives all the healings in the world. Zarya just makes the problem worse because he just gets to overextend and play like a retard with complete impunity, and it’s really starting to get on my nerves. He should have a massive speed decrease while swinging his hammer, like a 50% decrease. He shouldn’t be able to just run around and swing at max speed. His charge should do a max of 250 damage and never vacuum pin. It should scale up with distance so that rein has to accelerate when charging. This character is everywhere because he is broken, and I think he needs heavy nerfs.

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Just… leave him. Run away while he’s walking towards you and pick him off so either he has to retreat or ends up overextending way too far and/or around a corner away from Zarya. Use the time he has his shield up to I’ve movement abilities to get away

Would you like it if Tanking had a lot more variety, and a lot more fun?

✅ Fixing BarrierTanks and OffTanks

Or we could buff the the trash heroes named Sigma and Orisa.

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Come and play QP, there’s more variety of compositions and player’s skills (since matchmaking is more broad).

I guess it’s more challenging than Comp.