Start banning leavers in arcade and qp

I hate when you play for half a game, and a group of 4 leave the game, the game does not find anyone to fill and game is canceled. Why should I get no exp for the game when the enemy team leaves?

Some people need to suddenly leave, a phone call or invited to group… then there are people who consistently leave games if it looks like team might lose.

In arcade ? No no N.O ,NO!

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The devs wouldn’t have put an xp penalty in the first place if your moronic way of looking at qp was their philosophy for this mode so…


I think for serial leavers, there should be a time out (and even no XP maybe). Other games have done this successfully. However I’d want the system to allow a leave or two say every hour due to emergencies, picking the wrong game, accidents, etc.


Start a game, see 5 dps, get destroy by a Bastion Torbjorn Orisa Comp 4 stack, see there is no one in the voice.

Leave ?

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I do think they should punish leavers more harshly, like putting them into a leaver-qeue. Also rewarding people who stay with not making them backfill and qeueing them with stayers. People who don’t leave usually try to make something work (in my experience).

I am working 42 hrs a week, I have a 3 hr commute everyday (hopefully I can move soon). I have to get up at 5AM and get home at 5.30PM. If I want enough sleep I need to go to bed at 10PM. Then I have to buy groceries, cook, clean, laundry etc, which I’m usually done with at 8PM. That leaves me 2hrs to play OW.
In those 2 hrs I don’t want to:

  • wait 3mins in qeue to get backfilled into a lost match with 1min left, effectively wasting already 6-7mins of my time.
  • play a 5-10 min match where we just get steamrolled and pooped upon because my 5 DPS can’t break through their Torb/Orisa/Bastion defense.
  • play a 5-10 min game where my Genji instantly leaves if their Mercy killed them in dragonblade, leaving us 2 minutes without a 6th player.
  • play a 5-10 min game where people leave if we lose the first point, which results us getting steamrolled.

With all the qeue time, time in the defeat/victory/card screen, I manage to maybe play 6-8(max) games in my 2hrs. I don’t have a lot of time and I would like to play this game like it was designed to be played. I don’t like having my time wasted more than I already do (qeue times, card screen etc) by people who leave because it’s too embarrassing if they got outplayed or think it’s anyways lost after the first point is captured. I hate having my time wasted by getting backfilled into lost games.

It might be no big deal for y’all who study or go to school, but for someone who already has little time (and I already have a lot of time to play compared to most other grown ups) it is a big deal. I wanna play the game in the 2hrs I have, not being backfilled or having leavers in my team.
Competitive is not an option for me because I cannot play regularly and decay would screw me over.


As long as the phrase “Its just quickplay bro” exists, there should be no consequences of any sort for leaving…after all…

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Or they could just make it so it doesn’t backfill if there is less than 1 minute left or something. Leavers in qp and arcade really aren’t an issue rn.

Maybe a controversial opinion, but QP is an incredibly casual game mode. If something semi important is going on in real life, I will leave. As will most.

I try not to, but things happen and it’s a game, not even the competitive aspect of the game. It will be over in a few minutes and you can go onto the next one. Hence “quick” play.


It’s very rare you’ll be left 5v6 for so long. Generally only 30ish seconds.

You should still commit to a match if you join. I can’t play a single arcade match without seeing someone leave. It’s always someone on the losing team that leaves right after they lose the first point or the first round. These are people who ONLY want a win for their loot boxes.

You either join and stick it out or stop playing.

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Wow leavers in qp ruin the game how dramatic

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Banning leavers in Quick Play and Arca- wha- are you mad son?

Quick Play and Arcade are the game modes I play when I know I don’t have time for Competitive or when I just want to chill. If real life issues come up, i.e. I have to go to work or something, I’ll leave. Don’t punish me for leaving a casual game. Imagine you had to pay 3 dollars every time you left an online UNO game.

Get over yourself.


I once kept track of 200 games in QP and found that a little over 10% of the time I’d backfill in to a losing game and not even get to play. Often not even enough time to spawn.


Yet comp is taken just as seriously as qp and arcade… so, what? Every mode isn’t suppose to be taken seriously? I really wish the community attitude would change when it comes to actually trying. Leaving is the same as being a bad sportsman. “Things aren’t going my way, so I am going to take my toys and go home…”


I’ve only ever left one game, and that was early on when I didn’t know how to mute players. Some kid just kept screaming the whole time. Now I just mute the idiots and keep on even when it’s a lost cause.

If you’re worried about people leaving Quickplay, you need to spend less time on Overwatch.


But… doesn’t Quickplay affect MMR which is also tied to Competitive?

People with your kind of personality ruin my games, so does that mean you deserve to get banned or kicked off to another queue with likeminded people? :thinking:


The amount of 5 dps picks I keep getting makes me want to just delete endorsements and leave as well. Yesterday I got 6 unwinnable matches in a row because everyone chose dps for some god forsaken reason. “It’s just qp man” and all that bs is not gonna be fun for any tank or support player, nor is it realistic for any dps player to excell when all they’ll be doing is hitting shields with hitscan weapons and tryign to duel people being healed in vain and walking back from spawn and then pressing X for “we need a healer” and we can’t get any progress done. I don’t leave matches ever… but some peeps are rly making me wish I would just up and leave and try to find some playable games. It’s not worth the circus of watching 5 dps run around like headless chickens.