Stars in Paris? Hero 30 hint?

Okay. I’ve searched for this and can’t see it mentioned but there are two gold stars hidden behind a football when you leave the attack spawn room.

Is this a clue? Maybe a two star difficulty hero is coming? I don’t know


france is a 2 time world cup champion…easter egg…nothing more


This was to something else football related ( 🐟 Anyone speak French? Looking For Possible Hero 30 Hints?)

yh, last year they won their second World Cup.

think of it like rings and nba titles or smthn.

oh. Football. Yawn.

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Noone cares if you like it or not mate.

:rofl: you seem to

Yer i didnt have a clue what the stars were about at first till someone reminded me they won the last world cup.

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No I don’t. I just find it funny that you had to say that instead of thanking the people that explained to you, exactly what you asked them.

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The pigeons are the biggest hint. Bird hero confirmed?

Remember the clues for Sombra?

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Clearly our next hero will be a pianist. How else do you explain FULLY WORKING PIANOS in the map?

I was showing my disdain for football. Not disrespect at the info.

The map designers still care about the game unlike the devs

Sad, game takes place around 2075 or so?
And they never got another one.


I care. I had sports shoved in my face too much seeing another person who doesn’t care for it does me some good.

Edit: still a nice touch on the map tho

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Next hero is Giorno Giovanna, the future gangSTAR


i can totally see maximilien being able to play the piano.
OMGF! maximilien confirmed i cant believe it!


Sry lemme clarify i meant the art team :stuck_out_tongue: