Sr system in overwatch

Okay i have a opinion about the sr system in ow. I think that it is a pretty weird system. Imagine if your a good player but your team is really bad. Well then you will probaly lose and lose sr points. Couldnt they just change the system where they look at your own stats and medals? I dont have very much trouble with this because i think that im in the rank where i belong but still.


In my experience, if you’re actually good, you will win more games than you lose and move up in ranks. I’ve made a new account in the past, one-tricked Lucio from Gold to GM with a 70+% win rate. You get where you belong if you play enough.

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Yeah true but you cant carry your whole team on your own. I am where i belong but trying to improve atm.

Hi Tecrolimus. Currently the SR system makes it hard to climb. Well, not because of the system, but because of the game. If you aren’t significantly better than your opponents, you will face difficulty climbing. Why? One reason is because of the 6 v 6 battles. The more players that are on a team, the less individual power you have to control the game. For example, in a 1 v 1, you have the full control of trying to win the game. But in a 6 v 6, there are so many players that it can be difficult for everyone to be on the same page. That is why in unranked to GM streams, the GMs (who are significantly rated higher) can sometimes even lose to diamonds!

Essentially, if you are a better player, you will climb. But the trick is how much better? If you are only slightly better than your opponents, it can take tens of games to climb a few SR. But if you are a lot better, you can see changes in the fifties, hundreds, etc.

If you don’t think you belong in your current rank, it will just take a bunch of games to climb. Once I did have your mentality, of “my team is kind of holding me back”, and I was actually right. I created a post on this, and people argued, claiming I was just bad at the game. Well, I proved them wrong, and in that season climbed 700 SR points to diamond. Then I stopped playing. But recently, I’ve started to play a bunch, and it seems like I’ve fallen from my rank.

But to get on track, just keep playing. If you are better, you will climb.

Hope this helps! If anyone else has an objection, please reply to me. I’ll be happy to listen.


It does factor in your individual stats, but it’s complicated and most people can’t understand it. It’s easier to just say that once you sit at a tier for a certain amount of time you probably need to play around 1500-2000SR beyond where you’re at which is completely broken. Once you are “hard stuck at a tier” you can completely relax, play at half of your ability and it will just give you super easy matches and keep you at your tier.

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Yeah i know that they look at your medals and stats but the main problem of losing sr points is ofc losing the game.

It’s a team game. For the most part you’re awarded SR as a team. You’re more impactful as a player when the team groups up, uses combos and plays together.

Unfortunately, most players under mid diamond don’t seem to understand this. It can be very frustrating for players who do. Far too often I see my team mates run past me one by one to 1v6 the enemy on point. Like zombies. Then I get blamed for throwing because I wasn’t doing the same.

I don’t think these people are intentionally bad. I just think the more casual players still don’t fully understand how the game is supposed to be played. Bad game design I suppose.

Best thing you can do is find some friends and play in a group. It doesn’t have to be a full six-stack. If, like me, you don’t have any friends then you just have to put up with babysitting idiots, or go and play something else.

Lately I’ve been playing Overwatch until I lose. Then quit for the day and go and play something else. I’ve done this before and you do climb this way. I’m up 200sr this week with a lot less hours on the clock too. It might be the algorithm giving you less of those 30% chance to win matches as it’s learning that’s when you quit playing, or just a better mental state going into the game. Probably a bit of both.

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Yeah i understand it. I think that i am in right rank. I have the same situation as you had. I have ow for around 1.5 years but stopt playing for a long time. Now i take ow more seriously and im doing my absolute best to climb. So atm im in a pretty low rank (silver) but i know that when you get in the gold the players are a lot better.
Oh yeah and gg for climbing from bronze to diamond. Thats pretty hard to pull off.

You and the rest of us :smile:


Storm, thank you for providing a legitimate response.

  • it’s refreshing.

Nope…. It’s pretty much 100%.

6v6 gaming architecture is fantastic and a lot of fun. And honestly more competitive than 5v5 or similar setups.

The problem is, Overwatch was designed to be played as a stack and because few people play in this way, the inconsistency of teammates performance really puts a lot of weight on one player’s shoulders.

It does look at your personal stats and personal performance. As far as the weight in determining how much SR you win/lose for this, there’s not a lot of information.

But high ranking players who take low ranked accounts up in rank are know for getting 50-70 SR per win on aged accounts (IE: not fresh/unranked accounts).

SR/MMR/PBSR makes NO SENSE. Competitive play is A SHAM.

It does if you understand technology.

Okay, cuthber


Yes. But you will win more games than you lose if you are a good player.

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Haha yeah sometimes you have a stupid 200 hp hero that fights the whole team on his own.

Just out of curiosity, what is your main hero?