TL:Wr : Add a cap to how much SR players lose from decay. Perhaps have it weighted by what rank they were in.
My team got rolled in comp, two players in a 3 stack on the other team were former top 500’s who let their account decay to 3000. Their third reached high masters before his decayed. In this match 2 were in low Diamond, 1 was in Platinum, but given their career stats and play they Clearly do not belong in Low Diamond.
A SR Decay cap would help, to ensure that top level players don’t fall into ranks they outclass so games be fairer. Maybe a -500 Sr is how much it falls by for GM’s, maybe have that amount be lower for each rank (350 for Masters, 250 for Diamond or until 3000)
There are plenty of people who have multiple accounts (especially on Console) or their lives are busier and they can’t play as often, but it doesn’t mean their skill has diminished and should be placed at a rank they don’t belong.
It’s 3000. you can fall from anywhere above that to 3000. So a legitimate GM (4000) skill level player can decay to 3000. Their actual skill doesn’t match their rank, and instead of them falling into a rank they shouldn’t be in there should be a limit to how much SR they lose from Decay.
No they’re not, yes you receive a SR boost to get them back to their original rank, but you’re not matched with people of your old rank, you have to work your way up to it, and no one wins every match so that’s 1000SR of matches/players whose games you’re ruining.
The players I mentioned in my original post were multi-season Grand Master players whose account decayed to 3k because they were using a different account during that time. Their skill didn’t diminish, so basically it’s Grandmaster’s playing against Low-Diamond/High Platinum.
Because I just got matched against them and I’m not their GM ranks.
For the people on my team whose accounts I could read they were not former GM ranks.
The other players on the team with the 3-stack were not Former GM ranks
It’s literally not a fact if it just happened to me. They don’t get matched against other decayed players. And since that 's the case there needs to be a cap on how much SR someone can lose from decay alone.
So you’re saying that you’ve decayed from Masters/GM to Diamond and when you played on that account you were matched with players at your former Master/ GM rank in comp?
Correct. Every single time it has happened. I don’t know what happened in your game but if it did happen, it shouldn’t have and was just one of those matchmaker anomalies.
SR stays 3000 but your hidden mmr would still be GM
If it was easy as letting your account decay down to smurf in Diamond instead of throwing matches. You’d see far more high level GM accounts picking on Diamond players.
If there are x-GMs being matched as diamonds, they threw to get there. They did not decay. Aside from the numerous developer statements, take a look at Seagull recently recovering from decay here: Twitch