SR clearly is meaningless stop acting like it means anything

So I can play at 2k as rein and feel like I have some sort of meaning and then turn around at 1500 sr on another account and get deleted like I am just a nat on the wall. Guys stop just admit it… SR means nothing in this game anymore. 1500 2k its all the same. SR is 100 percent meaningless.


I really don’t understand what you are trying to get at here. You just play worse at lower ranks? Maybe you are not getting supported enough from your teammates

I really would not call it meaningless. SR decides in which rank you will be playing. Higher SR means you play at a higher level against better opponents.


SR never did mean anything, matchmaker is using MMR which is basicly closest to your player skill.


i think the more you climb the more SR actually means something. maybe bronze, silver and gold arent really at all that different its when you get into plat and diamond then the SR starts to tighten. masters and beyond lol i think if you got that far you belong there


Well, you notice the difference when someone queues with a low SR friend in mid - high gold. When the mid Silver Reinhart feeds like mad and doesn’t know any of the tactics for any maps. He might as well not be there in some cases.
That said i broadly agree. MMR keeps some realy skilled people lower than they should be, and even if they rank up it makes them take too long about it.

Sometimes I get the feeling that the streamer tiers of DIA+ are protected from the bullpoop and get some special treatment matchmaking vise to make the game look fun on stream…


I think if a 2k Rein was dropped into a 4k game, they would get a quick lesson in the ‘meaning’ of SR.


You brought up an extreme example. No **** sherlock of course a 2k spread is going to be a nightmare scenario. But as someone that has played between 1400-2100 this season I cant honestly tell a difference anymore.


welcome to the flex q, we at blizzard hope that you’re having amazing experience.
PLS rate your flex players from 1-10.
P.S. No we’re not going to change or remove the flex q system cause we can’t admit that we did something wrong, just like with overbuffed chars, so pls stick with us in this Stockholm syndrome playground. We wish you best of the worst tanks/healers.
Best regards PAPA JeFFFF


Always has been.

They are different, vastly so. However what the OP is trying to get at is to try and get people to stop “looking at the number” and just play the game. Which I agree with!

Man, I dunno. It’s more fun to watch a crazy rein charge into a full group of enemies and get ripped apart. (aka low ranks)


I understand that smurfing has always been a thing but I could tell you on average there was a HUGE difference between high bronze and low gold on average. Hell 1600-1900 used to be a night and day difference. Anytime Iwould drop to say 1600 SR I would immediately the next day or whatever shoot up pretty much 200 sr at a 70-80 percent win rate with minimal effort. I could practically carry those games.

But right now its all about the same cant tell any difference.

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My bronze and silver games won by whichever team has the best, or worst dps.

  1. Enemy Echo did 41% of team damage and was ukting about every 40 seconds.

  2. Enemy Junkrat did 43% of enemy damage and got tons if tyre kills.

  3. Our Widow gets 2 kills all attack round as she can’t hit sh**. Enemy Reaper gets 82% of enemy kill participation.

  4. Enemy Widow utter crap and doesn’t get a kill on attack. We full hold and take Kings Row on first push.

Tldr, there’s so many throwers, drunks, people who don’t care and smurfs in the fame, matchmaker is pretty much a lottery.

Only way I’m going to climb on tank or suport, consistently is to practice my mechanics to be flawless so I can manage the skill shots to kill an enemy dps carry, who can just press Q to get a quad kill.


honestly against enemy rats you need to track his ultimate call out when its due and tell your team where is he at cause if he is suddenly mine jumping or cutting line of sight a tire is coming.


Yeah, he was good. Used high ground, which our dps never contested, and rained death down on us.

And rip tyres super oppressive on console.

I’ve destroyed a few in my time as Rein or Zen. But I feel ill equipped to do it as Moira or Lucio. And when neither of your dps can shoot for toffee it’s not great…

I’m part of the problem. My dps sr is gold. I’ve only played circa 7 dps games since role queue. I’m not gold quality anymore… And will take me 20+ games to fall to the right sr, or get enough practice to get competent again.


There are multiple categories within a ranking, this is done with MMR of course.

And 2k and 1.5k is a really small skill gap, your complaining here doesn’t show any issue.

If it were 3500 and 4500 then i’d understand, though there really isn’t a massive difference between 1500 and 2000.

It takes time for an account to get a proper ranking, alt accounts ARE NOT a good tool to prove the system is wrong as it’s not intended for it.


MMR keeps the highs and lows of any SR from dropping out or gaining ranks leading to perpetual chaos. Aleast in the mid-low ranks. Whenever someone gets boosted up 500SR by a friend or whatever they get to stay at that SR and slowly decay through slightly more SR loss than gains because the game “balances” their games to fit their MMR. Matching them with similarily skilled players and against same skill enemies that they can handle. GG Blizzard. WELL DONE! You’ve ruined your own game…

You assume alt accounts are never played SYSTEM - I’ve got one with 300 levels on it.

It still isn’t a proper way to disprove the system.

The system is made to assume a new account has a new player.
Alt accounts are new accounts with experienced players, practically fooling the system.

You want to prove that the system doesn’t work? Then don’t use a method that practically fools the system. The system designed is to work in a certain way and if you’re going to use it unintended then you can’t complain about it not working as intended.

Yeah facts. SR meaningless.

Let’s put a 4.2k player against a 3.5k player and see how that goes :slight_smile:

In fact, smurfs aren’t real if SR doesn’t matter. Cause his SR doesn’t matter, he’s just another player of the game. Delete him.

And this isn’t factually true - there is a huge difference. 1500 is seal clubing territory for someone with 2000SR skill. Towards 1500 you run into people who just doesn’t know how to play the game. No game sense at all types, paired with no mechanical skill. This gets better in the 2000SR direction by alot.
I count myself an expert on this seing as I’ve played from 1550ish to 3k during my time with Overwatch.
I often see people here who group Plat to Bronze together as if it’s the same - these people have no clue what they are talking about.

From my experience around 1570 it pretty much didn’t mean much.

And from that we can see that the MMR system certainly is doing something if that’s the case. It’s not perfect in every case, hence why experiences differ.