SR Adjustmants are RIGGED

Still isn’t rigged tho

It works by predicting the outcome of the match. If your team is more likely to win, you’ll receive less SR on a win regardless of how well you do. Keep in mind that it’s nearly impossible to make perfectly balanced matches, so this system is used to keep easier wins and harder losses from affecting everyone in the long run.

I just know it’s broken trash.

Heavily favours dps. I still remember when I mained Mercy and I had 60% win rate but couldn’t climb. PBSR was hosing me as I wasn’t rezzing enough…

So I just played Torb and literally hammered the turret all game and got 28 SR, vs 20 for winning with Mercy.


Im pretty sure my kill participation on support has been higher before and yet I still haven’t gained anything crazy.

I think we’re not really naming the problem.
The matchmaking as well as the allocation of the SR are probably not subject to manipulation.

No one would ever say that the wrestling matches in the WWE are manipulated.
It’s about entertainment, people have fun watching even though almost everyone knows that everything that happens is scripted.

To be able to confirm a manipulation, we need to know how the system works in general.
In both cases there is no basis to qualify the demonstrations as sports,
even though the athletes perform extremely well in both cases.

It is entertainment, and as long as they call it entertainment, there is no obligation to act with sports integrity.
However, if someone claims that it is a real sport, then evidence should be presented by the organisation.

You should think of it as entertainment and less as a precise evaluation of your gaming skills.

touche sir… touche

First of all, super high kill participation is not especially rare for supports on a winning game.

More importantly, you’re diamond. There are no SR adjustments at your rank; it’s 25 with a tiny bit of modifier based on which team was favored to win. Your performance has no impact on your gain per match; you are expected at that rank to do what it takes to win and nothing else matters.

how is it possible for you to do this when you yourself have no clue what the possible reward should or shouldn’t be?

the +100 you mention ends with your first loss after placements on a new account and will never come back no matter how well you play.

  • Placements shouldn’t exist.
  • every account for the first time starts at 1500 SR
  • If you win a game you gain 25 SR no more no less, If you lose then you lose 25 SR no more no less.
  • Elims should be only counted for final blows because that is the most misleading stat in history.

This would quickly let smurfs rise through the ranks because if they are really that good they will climb very quickly it will also stop placing brand new accounts who are inevitably going to drop ahead of people in “elo hell” it will also stop elo hell at most ranks above silver because no one is getting placed in gold or higher that doesnt belong, and if you are a good player you wont stay in bronze silver very long either.

Feels like the way people get placed now is blizzard blindly throwing darts at a dartboard, there is really no rhyme or reason to your initial placement.

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Not true, you can gain up to 150 if you MMR is higher than SR, but you will see it only if you overperform a lot. Usualy only smurfs have it.

I think it’s all about your mmr, not few good games. Some games you pop off but don’t get ridiculous amounts of sr, it only works when you do it constantly. It simply helps you climb faster.

Yeah this and when your SR catch your MMR, it can instantly stop.

You can see it here on the video, its not 100 , its +91 but i have even 150 once before and no it wasnt after placement on new account, after placement bonus was already gone when I started playing on it. I think I have even 123 SR gain somehwere recorded but I am not going to waste time to find it since I have like 1000 games recorded on my channel:

Uh, it absolutely changes based on personal performance. I see it all the time.

Because you’re in diamond???

Yes, they have said this is how it works in diamond+.

I’m not sure what your point is.

ok, tell me exactly what one needs to do to score 53 points.

Play a lot better than everyone else, consistently, not just one game. Hard carry games, popping off, destroying enemy team. As i said its kind of unreal for anyone who is not smurfing. What is real for normal players if they play very well is to gain 28-35.

Just watch my games in my link and you will see.

and when i land 15 sleeps, 10+ huge antis, die very few times heal in the 13K range and get 24 points in low gold … what then?

24 points suggests that other ana players currently in low gold are putting out similar performances which is just flat out BS.

You are in plat, to achieve those sr gains there, you would have to play like top500

no, on my main account i fell to low gold during the ana/moira/rein lockout. now i easily outplay those around me and get 25 whole sr for a win. SUPER!

you haven’t answered the question though and you claim to know the PBSR system well enough that you could look at a replay and determine if it was ‘worth’ more or less SR.

how much healing, how many sleeps, how many antis, how many deaths EXACTLY do I need to do to earn, 30 SR. I’ve already told you i’m getting about 25SR for wins so go on oh oracle of PBSR, do tell.

Lol, I am not super computer dude. There is time element how long was the match, how well your played compared to your team mates. some stats are not visible to us. And as I explained, one thing is very important, your MMR. In order to get these high SR gains, you need to have higher MMR than SR. Its not just about one game and what you will gain from that game.

If you are gaining 25 SR, you wont suddendly gain 70, in my experience its slowly climbing process of consistently overperforming and hard carrying every game. Basicly pushing your MMR higher and higher every match with excelent performace so SR will try to catch MMR more and more with higher SR gains. I can actualy show you example how does it usualy look like. Keep in mind I was high plat/low dia player playing in that lower elo:

htt ps://

You have even some stats there. I dont have stats for ana or your elo, I have some info from your elo on tank role tho.