Spoilers (potential): Who is Sojourn?

No Sojourn speculation threads? I think there should be more wondering about that than the mysterious omnic in the hood. Stuff is being added so I have to imagine Blizzard is going to front up more developing story over time.

Wish they’d spend more time on story driven games, because you can tell how much fun they seem to have had putting this one together.

I’ll bite. I believe she is referred to as having the rank of captain, so one can then start to fit her into Overwatch’s overall chain of command. (Reyes and Amari were also captains, yes?)

Chu stated she’s the woman on the far right of the photograph in Ana’s origin story. So if not a founder then someone who has been a part of the organization for a while?

Codename: Sojourn. Sojourn, according to the internet means a ‘temporary stay’ or ‘stay somewhere temporarily.’ Is this a clue to powers or specializations? Is she a more intelligence/espionage focused ‘hero?’ Maybe she assumes temporary identities quickly and easily–perhaps she even has some kind of weird science chameleon suit or power or whatever.

There. That bit is some speculation for ya.


I just think it’s interesting she’s got some sort of command position, but we’re hearing about her for the first time now. Among the things being inserted in the developing story, I am asking on the speculation because I think it means a lot. Until now, there have been a lot of presumptions on who is currently leading Overwatch, with I think the presumption being Winston. But adding another character into this mix brings up that question, who was in charge of Overwatch at least at the time of the Storm Rising event?

Morrison is still Strike Commander at this point, no?

Is there a position above Strike Commander within the Overwatch command structure (I assume there is but don’t know)?

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He answers to Director Petras, who is more of a bureaucrat than a military leader.


I could be wrong I think Reyes and Morrison are the same rank considering they are both referred as Commanders by Gerard and Ana, but overall Morrison is above.

Thank you, Doc Six. I’m going to assume that’s the same Petras referred to in the Petras Act that Sokovia Accords our poor flamboyantly dressed and prone to causing collateral damage heroes.

Velo, I don’t actually know but I’ll figure you know more than me :slight_smile:

Kel, more stuff! In the Ana photograph she appears to have a cybernetic arm? Her recall ‘photo’ also has…some kind of implant things on her face/head. I dunno if putting machinery on your face is the Overwatch equivalent of tattoos now or if they have some functional purpose.

I got an interaction yesterday which I assume is rare because I’ve played for so long already and only got it once, but it’s relevant to Sojourn:

Tracer: "What do you think of Sojourn? Change of pace from Reinhardt, isn’t she?
Winston: “I feel a little nervous around her. Like she might do something terrible to me if I let her down.”
Tracer: “I like her though.”
Sojourn: “Just so you know, this line is open.”
Winston: “It’s been an honor serving with you all.”

It’s interesting how it appears that Sojourn replaces Reinhardt actually, not Ana as many of us believed. Also gives us a bit about her as a person. She seems strict and makes Winston nervous, but Tracer likes her and Sojourn’s comment isn’t spoken harshly. It feels like she’s amused by their thoughts of her.

I think Tracer’s line about Sojourn replacing Reinhardt indicates that Reinhardt used to oversee strike team missions, and now that he’s retired, Sojourn has taken over the job. She could still be replacing Ana as Overwatch’s 2nd in command.

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Amari is a Captain, yeah, but Reyes is addressed as a Commander, not Captain.

One could guess that Commander refers to his command over an entire subdivision of Overwatch, while Captain is the SIC position in Overwatch (as Reinhardt is Lieutenant, not captain, in spite of having the same amount of military experience as Ana). And One could also guess that Sojourn took the post because Ana was ‘KIA’ and it sounds like Reinhardt’s been retired.

Nothing necessarily says Reinhardt or Ana aren’t around, and since it’s called ‘Storm Rising’ with the modern attire of the characters, I am presuming Sojourn is a new add, someone working with the current version of Overwatch. Until now, I presumed Winston would be calling the shots for who’s around, but maybe that’s going to be Sojourn.

There’s the line about “what happened to reinhardt” in the first teaser.

and then there’s the interaction in storm rising where mercy and tracer talk about how hard he’s taking it and how Tracer misses having him around, and mercy advises her to go talk to the big lug.

This coincides with this particular lore tidbit:

“Having served into his late fifties, Reinhardt was faced with mandatory retirement from combat operations. Despondent about being removed from active duty, Reinhardt feared that his days of purpose and glory had ended. As times grew darker and Overwatch came under suspicion of corruption and sedition, Reinhardt could only watch as the cause he had dedicated his life to defending surrendered in disgrace.”

Reinhardt’s 61 and this event was 6 years ago. He’d be 55-56 in the Storm Rising event.

This event isn’t modern Overwatch, the opening of it literally says 6 years ago. Christ.

You don’t have to flip out :smile: ! Fine, it was six years ago.

Anyway, the point being then, where’s Sojourn now? CHRIST??!?!?!?!?!?!

But if she was around six years ago, it’s just a flash of a character, but obviously an important one. I wish we had more since she’s so prominently in command of things.

she’s the character in the ana pic but ofc we have no idea where she is now or what happened to her. She was included in the Overwatch recall lineup photos but other than that we have no info on her. Which is frankly as annoying as people who keep thinking that this event is in the present timeline.

If you’re annoyed by that…

…you’re gonna have a hard time in life.

Anyway, that’s the point of the thread, to find out, if anything can be found out, more about her.

She has an interaction with Genji that makes her sound like a cyborg- I don’t know exactly how it goes but Genji’s questioning his humanity, then Sojourn asks him if he sees her as a person or a robot. We’ve only gotten a good look at her head and an older photo of her full body, so anything’s possible as far as her cybernetics go.

Judging from her appearance in the Ana origin story it appears that, at least, both of her arms are cybernetic.

And all the cybernetics on her face too, from her most recent pictures.