Speaking of reworks: torbjorn

I feel like the main problem is his turret, I can’t stand playing tracer or some other low health character and the turret instantly turns around and instalocks on to you. I would be nice if there was a little rotational time for the turret. And playing as torb all you really do is set up the turret and hide until the majority of the enemy team is dead or low health and pick up scrap and deal some killing blows.

that’s not at all how you play torbjorn though …

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What about allowing him to climb up walls? I bet nobody has tried letting him do that. d:

And now to slink away.

Allow him to have two small turrets, or one big turret. Turrets go up one level during ult. Allow his turrets to be healed by armor. Allow his turrets to be moved.

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Hi Jeff. Thanks for the post. Have you considered reworking his turret packs into cookies and turning his turret into a dangerous oven?

Oh what? No this doesn’t change his abilities at all, it just makes it more accurate when I call armor packs cookies.

Kidding. In all seriousness, I was wondering if you guys had explored giving him a jump or letting him handspring off a level 1 turret to get him to higher places (similar to his highlight intro)? I also wondered if, since torb is an engineer with a hammer, could he possibly get effects by hammering terrain? Maybe extending walls a small amount (that could be destroyed) or even temporarily destroying walls himself with the hammer. Just some thoughts.

Please Jeff.

Reduce his critbox. Please.

How about Ana? Could we please begin to look in her direction for some changes too?

I suggest you give him a trope many other class base shooters have but is missing in Overwatch… ammo drops… but since ammo is unlimited. Let it give out 25% extended ammo…unless you feel that kind of ability is suited for a new hero. I think it would help him with offense too… Roadhog now with 6 shots instead of 5… soldier with 125 instead of 100…and so on.

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Wall climb confirmed

That’s a really terrible way to play him, though. The Turret isn’t nearly as powerful as people make it out to be. If all you’re doing is sitting on your hands waiting for it to do damage for you, you’re not actually contributing much. The Rivet Gun may be terrible, but absolutely is usable and you should be pitching into group fights whenever possible. Driect hits with the primary fire are NOT weak and the secondary fire can be pretty powerful if used right.

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What about Bastion, Jeff?

What about that poor soul?

I know it’s unlikely you will see this at all, but was changing the turret from hitscan to projectile ever a consideration? With an appropriate increase in the damage it deals to compensate of course. In my personal opinion, by far the most unfun aspect about Torbjörn is surviving a difficult fight with low HP, only to get instantly killed by his turret when you accidentaly enter it’s LOS for a few milliseconds.

Oh, so Torb IS getting reworked.

Have you tried having him able to make more than one kind of turret? One could be the turret we all know and love-to-hate, while the other could be more of an anti-tank turret.

As long as Torb still calls the turret his baby and not Bridgette we’re cool.

Well, Brigitte isn’t his baby. Presumably her mother or father were.

okay hear me out. what about torbs turret hovering and following him around like a pet? his turred would have a lot more survivability and it would be more fun as torb to always run there !

If you ever need any torb advice jeff you know who to call :wink:

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Wow, the elusive Fuey500 post!

Keep on Torbbin’, good sir.

Can we hear what you guys have tried out and scrapped?

Not necessarily a good idea. People tend to latch onto discarded ideas and secretly hype themselves up to expect them. At this point, it would be smart to only announce changes Blizzard are confident could actually happen.