Speaking of reworks: torbjorn

i cant wait for to see what new idea’s they have for torb, thou i am curious to know the idea’s they scrap out when reworking a hero

Sorry for the change of subject, but will we see all of the Sombra changes today? I love the infinite timer on invis and translocate, but i am concerned will just not be enough. I think once one learns how to use Sombra the cooldowns really were not a problem.

I think its really important to put more emphasis on the HERO and not the turret. The main issue is the static nature of the turret.

The higher in skill you go the weaker/more useless the turret becomes. Low ranks the turret is strong / hard to deal with. upper ranks its barely a nuisance

The ability to deploy turrets from afar is great on Symmetra, so I’m hoping for similar (but not the same) flexability with Torb.

I’d love to be able to carry an already constructed turret (and have it continue to fire).

actually the hamsterball is tjorbjorns new turret.

Given how the new Symmetra gives her all kinds of crazy utility, I’d love to see what another “builder” could do. Maybe he can build a mini-mech that runs around tea bagging people.

Could you give him the ability to carry his turret from place to place just like Engineer? Just an idea.

Thank you for the open communication and information Jeff. We look forward to see what you guys do. I’m sure it will be fine.


reading comprehension is hard

Well hey, if you’re reworking Torbjorn, can you make his turret something you can stand on? Like, still make it so bodies can pass through it so you don’t block doors, but make the top of the turret’s model be considered a platform?

Dont mess up torb as you did with symmetra!! just played her rework and its terrible.

i find her rework super fun

Could you not make Mercy the most viable character in OW going on for 6 straight season and almost a year now. I mean I do miss supports like Ana or Lucio

I suspect they are having difficulty identifying a rework because they know he’s actually a viable character. He needs a few QoL adjustments, sure, but he needs good PR more than anything. The community has reduced him to a meme.

Torb is gonna have his turret replaced with Jetpac Cat. (All the animations and voice lines fit)

He will help direct the cat with a discord like ability and the Cat will fly over and start shooting at the target (Think Bot-level pathing) Otherwise after being deployed the cat hovers around Torb.

His hammer will replace his shotgun like blast to deal heavy damage (cause you can’t have him hitting his hammer on the cat) Or it will be used to apply armor on your teammates in replacement of armor packs that will be picked up via scrap.

His head crit box will be lowered to that of his unbeared face.

And he’ll get wall-climb… (ok that last one is just to be funny)

One idea for an upgrade for him is give him the same type of ability Brigitte has with her throw heal, basically allowing him to target a player and “throw” an armor pack to them. This would really cut down on his need to track players down and waste packs because they aren’t in a clear sight line for people running around. Just a thought.

Can you please adjust his crit box size with the changes? This would help him tremendously.

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Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. The other guy is right, though.

As always, thanks for the transparency. I think I can safely say I speak for the community when I say that we love it when you fill us in like this. Even when there is little to actually report.

Thank you, Mr. Kaplan!

Please don’t break Torbjorn.