Spam isn't playful

Spamming the same voice line 40 times to annoy other people isn’t playful.

People have repeatedly asked for this to be an option in the menus but you want to just make the game worse for others and give people a free pass to try and annoy others pre-match.

Either way, terrible change clearly didn’t listen to the player base.


People having a filter doesn’t stop you from enjoying the voice lines just allows people that don’t care or not want to hear spam opt out of it. People’s enjoyment shouldn’t come from being able to spam people that don’t want to hear it.

Yes, 100% agree you should be able to disable the filter for the entire game when you want.

Same here, if I’m QPing and everyone is spamming and having fun it’s awesome and I was actually quite sad you can’t even do this as a opt in thing.
On the other side of it in comp it’s noise clutter and sure in setup it’s not so bad but still if we’re having a convo about pick or w/e or listening for the other team’s picks it’s just annoying when the 1 guy not in chat is spamming in peoples face.

While this doesn’t relate, getting obsessed about something for weeks on end isn’t really healthy.


Dude it’s for literally 20 seconds. It stops once the game begins…


Gotta over react, Say it’s worst change ever, forget about it in a week


Typical form posts :roll_eyes:


What like you lying to make a point.

Great job.

I usually use multiple times some voice lines. Because actor dubbing are so cool. Idk make me feel comfortable listening some voice lines or some satisfaction :person_shrugging:

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Chad Sombra goes “Boop!” In your backline


“Wait until you see me on my bike”


If you watch the kill cam do the voice lines play since you can still hear your own voice lines?

It sounds like they made it even more spammable during setup. I think you were constrained by the 4 temp limit before?

Do they not know us by now??

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It should be freely available to use for the entire match. Blizzard shouldn’t decide for me whether or not I wamma hear voice line spam.


Imo they should just revert it to how it was at OW1 launch with having cooldown after using any voice line.
The community got too spoiled after they removed the cooldown.

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typical community whenever a game does anything i guess. “WAA WAAA WAAA THEY DID THIS!! EVERYONE HATE THEM!!! NOW!!!” and then a week goes by and you don’t even remember what you were angry about, and you’re still playing the game.

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maybe its my sense of humor but I love it when ppl mash voice lines lol, some of them are hilarious.

One punch, one punch, one punch is all I need. Sorry if you took that playfully. It was not my intention.

I spam Winky Face 'cause it’s fun as hell and I get a kick out of doing it. Most other people enjoy it. I’m not doing it to annoy people. Lighten up, Francis.

Typical sane individual when a game makes a dumb decision that literally no one asked for*
Fixed it lol

I would really like an option to disable all non critical voice lines including the random things my character blurts out every five seconds. Right now it’s all or nothing for muting in game voices, either I have to listen to all of it or I won’t be able to hear ult voice lines. I am currently playing with no in game voices and very large green subtitles to try and have some idea of what’s going on. If I could have the characters say just their ult lines or critical gameplay that would be very nice.

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And dey say. And dey say. And dey say. And dey say. And dey say. And dey say.And dey say. And dey say. And dey say.And dey say. And dey say. And dey say.And dey say. And dey say. And dey say.And dey say. And dey say. And dey say.And dey say. And dey say. And dey say.And dey say. And dey say. And dey say.And dey say. And dey say. And dey say.And dey say. And dey say. And dey say.And dey say. And dey say. And dey say.And dey say. And dey say. And dey say.And dey say. And dey say. And dey say.And dey say. And dey say. And dey say.And dey say. And dey say. And dey say.And dey say. And dey say. And dey say.And dey say. And dey say. And dey say.And dey say. And dey say. And dey say.And dey say. And dey say. And dey say.And dey say. And dey say. And dey say.And dey say. And dey say. And dey say.And dey say. And dey say. And dey say.And dey say. And dey say. And dey say.And dey say. And dey say. And dey say.And dey say. And dey say. And dey say.


Chivalry is dead. Woo, jackpot!