Sound is messed up

Whenever someone does something or ults behind me, I can barely hear it. While if I face them it’s fine. As a support main this is very important for me especially because of this Doomfist meta. If anyone has a fix it would be very appreciated.


Yes, this started happening to me too!

It was more noticeable in Deathmatch

I looked far and wide and the only answer seems to be:

I have not managed to fix it myself, so I’ll keep an eye on this thread


Same here. Since recently, there has been issues with sounds and in particular Ultimates callout lines.
Happens irregularly, but infuriating nonetheless.
I remember clearly 3 recent occasions where enemy Mei, McCree and Soldier where activating their ult close to us at flanking angle, but you can’t react in time because you can’t hear them activating it (or it is very faint and is drown by the rest of combat sounds;

My sound driver is up to date, this seems to have started happening since the 2-2-2 patch…

Would love to hear if anyone else has noticed the same, enemy ults activating without really hearing the proper callout like before (and it’s not always, just sometimes…)


Having the exact same issue. Seems to have started fairly recently.

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It’s been happening for a while actually.

This is what was said

in a different thread

I’ve seen posts about sound for a few weeks now, so I think it make have come with Sigma, or perhaps before him?

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I have the same problem, some voicelines doesn’t work (ult, need healing or stuff like that). It depends when. Sometimes it works, sometimes it don’t, it’s pretty annoying.

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This is 100% an OW problem. I have been dealing with it for about a month now. I have done everything on my end to correct with no avail.


I got punched by DF from behind and was like “damn, I must be getting old, totally didn’t hear that”.

Come on the forum and notice it’s actually happening to a lot of people.

Hopefully they can fix it, sounds pretty important in OW.


I get that sometimes with my headphones at home, tried everything they said with no luck either.

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So it’s been baddish since earlier this year, but it got extremely bad with subtitles. Apparently its something to do with sounds that would be below or behind you acting terribly, definitely respond to the thread asking for information.
What happened to the sounds?

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Also is it just me or does Reaper/McCree not have footsteps anymore?

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I used to have this problem a little while back but for some reason it got fixed and now it’s back again

Not just you, sometimes footsteps don’t play sound, sometimes voice lines dont play either.

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I can confirm, flanking junkrat is real

I had a Rein walk up behind me and I couldn’t hear it… Rein of all people! :man_facepalming:

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I had that and, occasionally, the sound going out for everything randomly. This response helped:


Same problem here. Windows 7, in-ear headphones via USB soundcard, drivers are current. Had a McCree walk right up to my left flank with nothing else really going on (no distractions or loud sounds happening nearby) and Flash and Fan me, and I heard not a single footstep… But I was good and dead.

Very, very frustrating.

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The sound in this game has always been broken AF. I blame Dolby Atmos nullifying real headphones. But even with Atmos off sound still doesn’t work correctly.

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Thank you. I changed my speakers to this and am going back in to see if its good or not!

Good luck, hope it fixes your issues.