the only multiplayer games on pc that isn’t on console, that are even worth thinking about, are rust, valorant, cs:go. therefore pc game library isn’t as vast as it may appear. likely due to an on going developer drought.
Lack of games has never been an issue on play station and it does support kb and mouse
I rather see the game getting optimized.
It looks the same as OW1, yet it runs way worse.
How advanced do you think these “new” graphics are The game looks like it could’ve been released mid Xbox One Era.
I’m seeing $600 at Walmart but I don’t live in America so idk.
Rust, valorant, csgo, league, hearthstone, WoW, Dota to name a few.
I know you can use a keyboard and mouse but it defeats the point, and it just makes players using a controller even more at a disadvantage.
No, old hardware doesn’t make performance worse for better hardware it does the opposite. People complain about supporting old hardware since it puts limitations on what they can do to try and push the boat because it might be too much for the old hardware, as a result they need to limit adding things that are more taxing and therefor the game runs better overall.
The lag spikes are because Blizzard have failed at optimising their new engine which is incredible considering the game looks identical to OW1.
Fortnite puts them in the same lobbies anyway and thats the only game I actually care about. I use an elite controller myself, and in no build mode an elite controller with back paddles and aim assist is more than good enough to take on KB users. They dont get aim assist
If all you care about is competitive overwatch then its a different story.
Walmart prices are different everywhere.