Sorry, we really should abandon PS4 and Xbox One

And people pay thousands for PCs just to lose at Overwatch. What does it matter


I know, but that’s more you following the system.

What’s that gotta do with anything? You don’t spend thousands on a PC just to play OW.

Sure, I’d understand buying one for less than $300 I guess that’s pretty good value.

Yeah but those limited games are almost always the best games of the year.

I can still get those on PC and play any other game I want tho.

God of war ragnarok is in PC?

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Well there are of course some that are exclusive to certain consoles if Sony are the game developers but sooner or later they will realise they are limiting growth.

That sounds like an amazing way to axe your playerbase even more than you already are. Genuinely such a bad idea why would you block even more of your players from enjoying the game, the shop does that enough


So you get the great games 2-4 years after they release. That’s why I should buy a $1,000 pc?


Don’t worry, after a couple years the games will be made for specs you don’t have and then you’ll have to buy the latest scalper priced nvidia card to enjoy them. What a deal!

But at least they have the freedom to play shovelware steam games, or something.

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Several games have, point still stands

They would just lose people. Fallout 4 was a single player campaign that did release on ps4 and xbox one. you can still play it

ps5 is better than a computer you could build for the same price. You would have to buy used or stolen parts to make one cheaper that could beat it

You can get a used or stolen console for less too so that cancels argument out anyway

Right but you can’t exactly upgrade components of a PS5. And personally the sheer lack of games and having to use a controller already makes the console worth less than $500.

Consoles were a fine option before they started to cost half a grand

People have been saying that for ages lmao. The majority of the most popular games can be run on a school computer.

You get Sony games 2-4 years after release. Sony is not the only game developer in the world, nor are they one of the best.

This post was a whole lot of nonsense. I’ve played 100 hours of OW2 so far on PS5 and series X both wired/wifi and have yet to encounter a lag spike.

It’s 99% on your side.


This is one of the reasons why replacing OW1 with OW2 was an idiotic move. Killing off your playerbase for years so you can sell new players battle passes and shop currency for a premium is scummy. They should have been separate games. But oh wait, then players wouldn’t play OW2 because it’s such a downgrade. It’s not even finished nor does it qualify as a sequel.

On another note OW exists on Switch too and from what I’ve seen the bugs are game breaking but no one plays it on that platform so you hardly see anyone complain about them. OP even forgot this game was available on Switch and I don’t blame them for that.

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No thanks. Overwatch 2 runs perfectly with zero frame drops so I doubt it’s holding the game back. The devs are what’s holding the game back.


Nah. Not for Overwatch “2.”

If they actually made a sequel, I would be fine with it. For a patch? You must be out of your mind.

They are literally at Walmart for $250/$300, just looked yesterday……