Sorry to start another forum about Mercy

But … you are.


Same here, same here… ^_-

I think the vast majority of players don’t hate mercy

I’ve played from bronze to plat and I’ve never heard anyone question a mercy pick

They hate the player not the hero

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Mercy isn’t the issue…I seriously doubt people hate mercy

It’s the manner in which things were done on here

Most recent example…a raid…


So… side note for you.

3v3 lockout actually solves a lot of Mercy’s problems.

50 HPs looks a lot better when you only have up to 3 enemies shooting at the person you are trying to heal instead of up to 6.
Resurrect becomes crazy strong because with out it, your teammate’s not coming back this round.
Valkyrie being boring doesn’t matter cause you very very rarely get ultimates in that mode.

However… in general I agree with you.
In the normal 6v6 modes, Mercy can have cool moments but how awesome and how frequent they are… just not even close when compared to any other support.

I like Mercy, and many others do as well, and as such I respectfully disagree with the statement above

Have you taken a look at the dodo compromise rework?

I dont think any reasonable player would want to rez an enemy character

Keep in mind that many players find her fun in her current state, and that changing her wont necessarily make her fun for more players - changes could even make her less fun

When a player no longer finds a character to be fun - this happened to me when Torb was reworked into Nerfedbjorn - they have over 2 dozen other characters to choose from, and many other games to play instead if noen of the other characters are appealign either

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People don’t hate Mercy OP.
They just hate the people who play her, which is worse.

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It’s not that we’re mad at them,

We’re just extremely disappointed.

(Jokes btw)

SO U SAY U WANT A GOOD SUPORRT WHO HEAL A LOT,IS FUN TO PLAY AND HAVE NICE ABILITIES.Then why u dont play ana?..oh yea u need skills

Mercy is my girl

that is all

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or maybe, just maybe, they really like being able to fly… which Ana can’t do.

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What they want is a hero who can put them in top500 from low ranks in one season


The least divisive version of Mercy… and one that has been asked for repeatedly by a lot of people on these forums was Old Mercy Pre Invulnerability buff… who by all accounts was spectacularly under powered in high ranks.

So how does that fit with your little narrative exactly?

While I agree, this thread will probably get moved into the megathread (noticed another thread got moved there the other day) primarily because the team disagrees. As for apologising, you have nothing to be sorry for. This is a forum about Overwatch and you’re supposed to be able to post your feedback without apologising or worry of it being hidden away in an unread megathread.

I do play Ana, and I can play any support character with no issues, I’m just disappointed to see my favorite character no longer viable in competitive and probably the most boring character to play now. Also yes, I enjoy flying.

Serious question, because I see variations of that thought often around here. What exactly about her kit has changed enough that she is now fundamentally different to play than she was before?

Nothing about her actual play style has changed. Nothing. It was always heal, boost, fly, rez, with some on the fly decision making about when and where to do all those things mentioned. All of that about playing Mercy remains.

Why do people who found her fun “before” suddenly not finding her fun now? She is the same to me in terms of how much fun I had back in 2016 and how much fun I have with her now.

The only thing I can think is either the change of losing mass rez AND the most recent change of her heal nerf. Both of which were kind of necessary. The heal nerf, maybe a tad much, but still necessary.

So what is it that’s changed so much about her that people suddenly don’t like using her? Is her ultimate a bit underwhelming, sure, but so is Widow’s and Orisa’s and Tracer’s, but her ultimate is an addition to her kit that didn’t exist before, so it can’t be that which has turned people away from her. So what? What is it?

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Or an unnecessary rework and ignoring the rather remarkably large amount of feedback, instead dumping it into the never to be glanced at trashcan of a feedback thread…

Or leaving Mercy in her new ridiculously OP state for x amount of time/seasons/etc

Or all the toxicity directed at those that enjoyed the original variant.

This has been going on for quite a while with the state of Mercy and how blizzard handled the response to the changes at its core. That it’s still going is rather suprising though lol. I kinda just lost interest and eventually uninstalled (for this and a number of other reasons).

I still find it hilarious that people still believe this.

She was literally nerfed, in what, a dozen different ways during that period?

They never just “left her in an OP state”. They were constantly trying to fix it, it just took multiple attempts to get to an acceptable end.

Mercy 1.0 had this “bug” because performance rate was a thing, a plat Mercy would never get a kill, but a “special” Mercy would pull out her pistol to take some shots on nearly dead enemies to get 4-5 kills is each match what would inflate their SR.

I think what people dislike her, at least from someone who used to main her is how Rez and Valk is implemented.

What was fun and still is about Mercy is how you can fly in and heal anyone while bouncing around with your mobility, but your E just…does the opposite. You get slowed down and become a target. While, sure, you can rez a pick back, but who wants to be VERY vulnerable to enemy fire while doing their E ability? And its very situational as well as its only good pre and post fights, never in mid fights because you can easily get focused on.

Her ultimate feels lackluster as well. Sure you can fly out freel and, use chain healing to heal ‘more’, but in comparison to other support ults, it lacks the impact. Like, for an ultimate, the healing rate for it is very low, and that it makes your decision on your regular gameplay too easy because what was one of the appealing parts of Mercy was being able to bounce around saving people, now, your ultimate takes that away. At best when you Valk, you would just go Battle Mercy and just shoot snipers off to do more in a team.

This coming from a flex player who used to like Mercy, I cant bring myself to like her, and I play a TON of heroes like Moira and Ana.