Sorry to start another forum about Mercy

Mercy 1.0 had this “bug” because performance rate was a thing, a plat Mercy would never get a kill, but a “special” Mercy would pull out her pistol to take some shots on nearly dead enemies to get 4-5 kills is each match what would inflate their SR.

I think what people dislike her, at least from someone who used to main her is how Rez and Valk is implemented.

What was fun and still is about Mercy is how you can fly in and heal anyone while bouncing around with your mobility, but your E just…does the opposite. You get slowed down and become a target. While, sure, you can rez a pick back, but who wants to be VERY vulnerable to enemy fire while doing their E ability? And its very situational as well as its only good pre and post fights, never in mid fights because you can easily get focused on.

Her ultimate feels lackluster as well. Sure you can fly out freel and, use chain healing to heal ‘more’, but in comparison to other support ults, it lacks the impact. Like, for an ultimate, the healing rate for it is very low, and that it makes your decision on your regular gameplay too easy because what was one of the appealing parts of Mercy was being able to bounce around saving people, now, your ultimate takes that away. At best when you Valk, you would just go Battle Mercy and just shoot snipers off to do more in a team.

This coming from a flex player who used to like Mercy, I cant bring myself to like her, and I play a TON of heroes like Moira and Ana.

Mercy’s core gameplay hasn’t changed a bit since the 1st day. If someone thinks she’s “boring” or “unfun” means that the only thing these people loved about her is her broken ex-ultimate which shouldn’t even exist in the first place.

She is finally balanced. A lot of people loves to play her (me included) and if you don’t, there are many other ways to support the team, she’s not the only one. Please don’t change an already balanced hero.