Sorry, I can't tolerate this game anymore

? Suffer you dps player suffer :skull: I have no sympathy for you what so ever :skull: (especially you Tracer mains)

yeah it is so sad and funny at the same time , waiting 15 minutes for a game then suddenly your tanks leave ? now go and wait another 15 minutes for a game , I prefer to just go and que for tanks or healers rather than that or just paly COD , Valorant at that point

I have to admit, when it comes to sabotaging, DPS players are quite motivated.

If I had to wait 15 minutes between each 10 minutes sessions, I would have uninstalled the game already.
Sometimes I really wonder why they got into Overwatch in the first place.

Fun fact paris and Horizen are still in the custom game settings, so if you want to reexperience them. Get a group of likeminded individuals and have a blast.

As like the vast majorty of us do not like it’s design. like moving through hallways that are surrounded by enemy highground. just to have the game swing the other way once the attackers get onto the open second point. is well bizare for a tcp map for one, 2 Doesn’t feel good to play.

unless you one of those players that really like straight up stall.

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I see it as gaining content, many nights I only got time to play a few maps, 10 on the high end and when 3 or more are Paris and hlc just because of backfill it makes for a less then fun experience. Overwatch just gave me content by making sure I get imo better maps more often in my rotation.

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I blame developers, because players asked such things in other games, too.

Here, as someone who hasn’t touched the game in 2 years.
Let me try to explain it. :slightly_smiling_face:

Queue times suck, those maps were poorly designed. And enough of the player base leaves after getting said map that it’s a problem. And a waste of a time for the players who just want to play. Especially after a long queue.

It’s genuinely a beneficial thing, to remove the maps to NOT waste the players time and to allow players to just play. Without the worry of getting one of the two maps only for multiple players to leave and for the match to be ruined via a 3 v 6 or whatever. Or for the match to be canceled out right.

And to clear the air, I’m impartial when it comes to HLC. But I’ve only ever stayed on Paris when the queue was bad. If it’s a fast queue and I get Paris, I’m gone.


Also a substantially large amount of players leaving whenever they get 2 out of however many maps in the pool, is considered a tiny pit of conflict? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

With that logic, Smurfs are nothing more then a particle of conflict if that’s the case.

I stepped off shortly after Echo was released.

To be quite honest I wish they would remove 2CP in entirety, but this was a good start.

Overwatch’s content is in a pathetic position, but that doesn’t necessitate a commitment to broken maps.

They tried “fixing” 2CP for What honestly felt like a year or two before they just said screw it and decided to replace it with Push.

The death of 2CP can’t come fast enough in my mind.


What would be next gamemode they would remove, due to failing to balance it?

Sorry to tell you… but (as a tank main myself) this IS the best update. Echo did not help tanks at all, neither did all the balance changes in the last year.

We are on the same page when it comes to the fact that OW kills the tank role, we are even on the same page when it comes to 5v5 and the (still planed?) rebalance/rework of tanks. I mean… I am shocked that they are more willing to kill of the entire tank roster because they are not willing or able to rework Sigma in either a proper MT or OT.

But 2cp removed from QP? Yes. That gamemode does not belong in a single matchup, only in ranked

Should make the trip to Point B on Paris a lot shorter but other than that, what all else made a lot hate that map? It’s pretty similar to Anubis. Could’ve at least kept it in FFA.

It’s a very strange decision for blizzard to remove both maps so late into the game’s life. Will they come back? Probably but with the OW2 beta around the corner it doesn’t make a whole lotta sense to just pluck out two maps, especially for a game that already has a very tiny map rotation in the first place. I hate Paris with a passion but I see the removal of it seems pretty lame, at the very least they should put a couple of koth maps or arena maps into the main rotation for the sake of variety.

My favorite would have been that we choose what maps/game mods we want to queue for.
Choice is always better.

You might as well could have said:

There is no way in hell that you have not experienced that.

This is giving me some major boomer vibes. Does this mean your opinion, the minority, is more worth?

Is the newly added content incredibly bad? Then yes, it makes absolute sense to remove that. You seem to have a real problem believing that added stuff can be bad.

Gordon Ramsay teached me something else. If your dish doesn’t make sense in the first place, do change the dish and replace it to something else that makes more sense. :eyes:

As meme as this is and how I halfly agree, without DPS we can’t play a fullgame thanks for role queue. Their queue times, afflict us support and tank players too. Unless you play QPC and open queue only.


If the majority is filled with braindead monkeys, then absolutely.

Depends tbh.

Some times the majority really is stupid and ignorant, yes. Other times the majority is absolutely right.

I’ve usually found that the majority of the time, the majority doesn’t actually know what they’re talking about and are just bandwagoning.

Luckily, DPS are dime a dozen, so it’s not important matter, they are easy to find. For other roles it’s different story.

I’ve been harassed for my views on DPS players, but it’s true - they are most numerous and, as result, most expendable part of community. With game being FPS, finding people desiring to shoot stuff in it is a piece of cake.

It’s simplest solution - they can’t be bothered to fix/redesign those maps, but simply removing them requires absolute minimum of work.

Later Homie, Stay Golden

I explained what I meant in a later comment and in an earlier comment, actually. I’ve never experienced mass leaving due to loading in Paris, which is the truth.

While I wouldn’t suggest everyone read each and every comment in this thread, I do demand you do this if you’re going to accuse me of lying, otherwise you’re being dishonest.

So now with Hindsight, do you still agree with your posts defending priority passes?