Sorry, I can't tolerate this game anymore

You’re a liar.

You’re wrong here. This forum is for the competitive, and story aspect of the game; I can be here if I don’t play. Also, I love how you’re tone shifted to that of one who’s upset when you’re the one who’s been lying from the beginning. This is my thread, so I’ll kindly stop arguing when I feel like it.

Don’t need to say anything else.

Then don’t, lmao.

K. Why are you here tho?

Apparently his feet are stuck considering he was supposed to step off 3 or 4 days ago.

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I thought you didn’t need to say anything else?

And I’m here because this is my thread. Which you’ve been bumping the entire time, which in turn allowed people to actually discuss my topic.

You may be misguided, and wrong, but you weren’t useless in the end.

I did step off. I deleted the game and haven’t touched it since.


You guys act like you can’t read. Or understand simple logic. If I said “I know when to step off”, but I’m here, what did I step off of?

Wait a minute, why are you asking? Didn’t I tell you before?

But why are you here tho???

If you’re going to keep spamming, I can just report you for spam and be done with it.

That’s good but why are you here tho?

Considering I have an overwhelming desire to leave whenever Paris comes up, I’m not sad it’s gone. Never understood why people hate the reworked Horizon, though.

You like a balanced game but are completely ignoring the fact that the devs literally pointed out the objective design flaws leading to those maps being unbalanced ? Make it make sense, do you want balance or not.

The map isn’t even GONE gone. You can still play quickplay classic and play on the map. If you’re really quitting the game over those two sorry excuses for maps being taken out of 2 modes then idk just leave.

I agree with the OP. These maps never should have been removed from QP and arcade. If anything an option for players to opt out of those maps should’ve been implemented for those that want to do that. Removing content is the wrong thing to do.

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Uh, if the devs pointed out the flaws, it stands to reason that they could fix them if given the time. Clearly, you should have assumed my feelings of them removing them instead of fixing and balancing them.

Quickplay Classic is a joke. Most players treat it like the meme mode now that its tucked away to the side. Originally, people knew there had to be some vague semblance of teamplay to win even if you got three DPS characters in your team.

I would know. the most fun I had in OW was when I was the only tank blocking damage for my team. QPC is not an option these days.

What’s the point of spending time and resources into fixing a map for a mode that isn’t going to exist in 5 months ? Wouldn’t you want that dev time to go towards making overwatxh 2 a nice playable and polished game ? XD

It’s gonna be in pve where functional map design matters way less than the map looking pretty from an aesthetic perspective.


What’s the point in updating our content NOW in the game we’re playing NOW instead of waiting for 5 MONTHS OR LONGER FOR A CONTENT UPDATE?

You’re asking me why I would want them to improve the maps WE HAVE NOW instead of taking content from us?

Hmm, let me think about that. While I do, here’s a question for you to think about:

OW2 was announced two years ago. Complaints about Paris were known for a long time, too. We haven’t gotten a proper content update in a while. Wouldn’t it be smarted to update those maps as the content update?

because undertaking useless tasks just delays the content update we will be getting lmao. You do realise the team receiving useless tasks from higher ups is the reason Overwatch 2 has been delayed as many times as it has been ? And what you’re suggesting is a lot of resources going into something that will disappear very soon. So in other words, yet another thing to delay the release of OW2 ?

Just admit it, the maps were trash and it was high time they removed it. People would just mass leave them anyways.

But the decision to remove 2cp wasn’t 2 years ago, that was only last year so what’s ur point.

I’d be unable to comment if people like you didn’t bump my threads.

That’s not true. I personally know how long level design and level editing can take; it most likely wouldn’t slow down OW2’s development at all, and it would be a great way to add content in the game. Want proof? I can download entire overwatch maps myself and edit them in ways that I think would be good for the game.

In fact, I might anyway because it seems fun, and I’d do it for free. At most, it would take hours.

You genuinely think a content update for OW1 would be a “useless update”? An update for the game we’re playing now is a useless update? We live in a world were GETTING CONTENT is useless, and REMOVING CONTENT is seen as a good update? My god, you’re helpless!

No, I am not.

There’s nothing to admit to. You’ve failed to defend your position so badly that your point is

“Well you see, content for the game we’re playing now is useless! Who could possibly want more things to play with in the game we got? After all, Overwatch 2 is 5 months away or longer, so why would I want more content while I wait? Who knows how long it would take them to edit the map a bit to be more fun and serve as an actual content update?”

That’s your argument.

Oh, and I’d rather have a bad map than no map. All the lore that went in with the map is gone, relegated to a mode no one will play. And we’re too maps shorter thanks to it. You guys are really sitting there clapping about getting less content.

What in the world does that say about you?

:rofl: :rofl: That’s still A YEAR at the most. At the very least its several months! They could have changed Paris for the better while they worked on OW2 in that time!