Sorry, didn't know I couldn't post this

Honestly think that hackusations should require manual banning. Of course still have detection for software that is injected or manipulates the game itself, but if some random player makes some manual assessment of your performance and deems it cheating, then it should require a manual confirmation before placing a ban.

I don’t care how long or ‘inefficient’ that is. If that exhausts their resources, then they need to expand it or adjust their approach.

But who knows, maybe they already do… it could be anything, really.

They don’t care.

If they falsely banned you, they’d have to admit they made a mistake in order to reverse the ban. They will never admit they made a mistake. Too bad for you.

The thing is if they were to give me the clip of why i was banned i would likely be able to easily re create it while streaming with a hand cam…

Go talk to the support team, they have had a bunch of “issues” with their detection software, and they are pretty good at reverting bans when they have a closer look.

Except, you know, that whole bunch of people who were reverted a few months ago…

The thing is that they specified in the email that they may not respond and its unlikely that i would get unbanned. Unlucky. Ill keep trying though and see what happens.

They may not respond, but lately they have been good at doing so.
They may not unban, but, again, lately they have been good at doing so.

I think your chances are pretty good myself of getting it unbanned.

Sadly that isn’t how this works, and you know that. The purpose of a ban system is to mitigate cheaters and rule-breakers. If they were to inform a person of what they did, they could easily circumvent the system.

If it were a false ban, I feel as though there’s a reasonable chance it would be (or would have been) reversed automatically.

I think if you keep in contact with them, it may speed up the process. Of course you’re going to have to get past all of the automation first. Many companies are like that, I can imagine their volume is hefty.

Good luck.

Thanks. Hopefully it will be sorted out if i can get them to look into it more.

For sure, keep us updated. Hope for the best, but expect the worst.

Welcome to the falsely banned for hacking club, Sir.

It’s not like he says much when he’s here anyways. Usually it’s just a lengthy “we’re looking into it” before going silent on the issue for 3 months.

I do have to say its a pretty fun club to be in. Lol.

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While I appreciate your efforts to welcome them, you are not apart of the falsly banned for hacking club.

I am though? Why because a Blizzard dev said otherwise? The blizzard devs who have falsely banned countless by now? Huge 9brain on u man.

I think your lies were exposed when this happened.

Face it, your lies were already exposed. You may as well give up.

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