Sooo... the Hog changes?

So, if we’ve got another PTR patch incoming - does that mean we’re likely to get a new hero next ?
Given that Blizcon is going on it seems like a reasonable assumption.

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I think that “worst dance” fits well with roadhog. The only thing I dont like about it is the clap gesture with the hand.

I dislike the Ana dance instead.

PTR Patches usually are on tuesday or thursday

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Reaper has the worst.

Nope he was bad, he was bad since the 33% dmg nerf and when Brigitte arived he was just worse.


Roadhog needs an ability where he blast a huge fart, creating a yellow smokescreen which heals himself, and any enemy in the facility of the fart gets anti-heal, or have all damage action disable, lol.

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What are the hog changes going to be about

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Still nobdoy knows.
Except the devs.

Oh great. Roadhog is my favorite hero to play right now because he’s the only tank with a high risk/high reward ability. It actually takes skill to land the hook, and skill is rewarded. If they turn him into another brainless “mash left click and walk forward” tank, my return to Overwatch is going to be short.

I quit when Brigitte came out and the game was a dumpster fire, lately the game balance is extremely good and I’ve been impressed so I started playing again. Don’t ruin it :cry:

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i doubt they are going to change too much but its hard to tell

They normally announce big reworks, so I doubt it too.

Maybe they’ll change his ultimate so its more deadly, and less…

Yeah I don’t even know how to categorize Whole Hog.

It’s kind of a zoning ultimate, but without the lethality of D.Va bomb or Hanzo’s Dragons.

Exactly, the word you are looking for is trash. It’s a trash ultimate, like Deadeye.

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Yay, something new, hurrah

Yeah it is kind of trash.

The only time its useful is if you manage to pin someone to a corner.

With most other zoning ultimates, you want to move away from it. With Whole Hog, you really just want to let it hit you so the knock back pushes you further from the damage.

I think they should reduce the knockback so enemies are still in danger of getting killed.

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thats kinda what happens when you make a zoneing ult a hit scan and also come out of the player for the full duration of using it. d.vas and hanzos ult come out of them then just go out and do their own thing

come to think of it it has alot of similarities with deadeye it’s not that it can’t teamwipe it’s just that the enemys have to be doing something else or stupid in order for that to happen

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Well with Deadeye, you want to avoid it.

Whole Hog is the only ultimate you don’t want to avoid. Even a 200 hp hero can survive it if hey just move back while jumping, unless they take eat it in the face.


That doesn’t quite fit Roadhog’s kit.

This could be an interesting mechanic.

OH lord this would be insane on maps with environmental kills. Theoretically you could hook everyone to their deaths.

edit: it seems DankMemes removed his comment.

Maybe they should change Whole Hog so that Roadhog can control the knockback effect. Right now he doesn’t have to left click while it fires, they could add in some kind of knockback scrap projectiles that only fire when he left clicks.

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I guess not a single change for Reaper.

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I hope for his hook back at 6 sec and more dps.

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Can we get some details Mr. Kaplan?

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