Sooo... the Hog changes?

It was flagged because it doesn’t pertain to the current topic, which is Roadhog.


But, it’s…
entirely about Roadhog…:face_with_monocle:

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Sadly we cannot get details

They both are Channeling Ultimates. They definitely have their downsides, especially with all the cc going around.

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jeff said minor tweaks when he announced it the first time, he didnt consider it a “rework”. But he said that he needed soft new animations.

So, something about reloading or shooting faster, moving faster in whole hog, something about the hook. THose are the most likely changes. The other possibility would be adding extra smoke particle effects to take a breather, adding a lesser extra effect to that lingering smoke (like healing or poisoning). I dont expect anything bigger than this.


You take that back! And Leave Roadhog alone!


can we please talk about roadhog and not other heroes?

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I love Roadhog! He’s the best! I hope they make him the apocalypse again!

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Lol i dunno why i dont like it

Without the lethality? dude his ult can deal over 3.000 damage if you can lock someone into a wall that’s instakill.

Thank you, Daddy Jeph. :heart:

maybe hero 29 is just roadhog again. but with an eyepatch


Not a rework that requires animations? Probably particles for some AoE effect for Take a Breather.

Fastest dev reply in the world

I know, but without that corner its really easy to survive it.

I already stated it.

Just walking backwards while jumping will push you far enough away from Whole Hog to survive it.

It’s like a worse version of Winston’s Primal Rage. At least Winston can keep jumping to the backlines to cause greater disruption.

Make Roadhog great again or put him into his grave.

that is what i am thinking atm, stylosa thinks it might also make roadhog take a breather and shoot at the same time which would be a more difficult animation i think

oh boy oh boy oh boy (insert petter griffin laughter)

I truly liked the torb rework, so I’m looking forward to this change!

i think it would be more expensive to make a grave for him than rework him

I hope they’re good because I play LOTS of hog but people say he’s overpowered, and some say he’s very weak, but i hope they’re good enough to make him viable, but not overpowered.