Buffing his omnic armour was good for him. As far as I’m concerned, the… s12.5?.. hotfix patch that stripped away base HP in order to put it into Nemesis was a disaster since it pushed him even further into relying on Nemesis. My playtime on him dropped after that mess.
I dunno if I agree with that. Hog and Mauga are a bad match up. As far as Ana goes, Anti-healing → Sleep is extremely dangerous. Please be careful out there, fellow robot.
Yeah I love Ram, been playing him since release of him, but Ana still can destroy us because of her evil kit. Cannot wait for hero bans, but yes, just did placements and went from hardstuck gold 1-plat 5 to plat 3! I haven’t been plat 3 since s8!!! I am finally gonna climb on my boy
His perks allow for quite a bit more counterplay towards his worse match ups imo.
Use the extra dmg perk on his Omnic Form to burst down heroes if you already have a decent defensive lineup.
If you lack a good defense or face off against heroes like Mauga, you can use Ram‘s prolonged barrier perk and shield whenever Mauga pops his lifesteal and just burst him down by spamming Omnic Form primary fire to his face.
While Ana is evil she does not counter Ram as much as she does other tanks because the armor her gains during Nemesis form is unconditional.
Barrier and Nemesis Form allow for a very strong defense, especially with the prolonged barrier perk, which pretty much removes any time gaps between cycling around your barrier and Nemesis cooldowns.
And in the cases of tank trades, the Rejuvenating Vortex that heals you for 50hp/s is nothing to scoff at either, especially considering the 50 hp/s doesn‘t get debuffed as much because you‘re a tank.
That‘s 50 hp/s of healing you have just for existing which the enemy tank is missing out on.
It’s possible to outplay a typical QP Mauga and simply barrier-block his HA HA when he pops it mindlessly. The trouble comes when they work around that. If you’re holding off on barrier specifically to deny Mauga and Mauga holds off on popping HA HA, you’re playing in squishy Omnic form without mitigating. He’s getting value that way.
Mind you, I’ll admit that I haven’t played Ram with perks. Maybe longer barrier and a health potion make a bigger difference than I’m giving them credit for. I’m waiting for the next 6v6 test to do so because in the last 6v6 version, they reverted the s12.5 change and I find that version of Ram more fun to play as.
As far as Ana goes: while she’s not as bad for Ram as she is for the likes of Hog, Ram is at the bottom of the list of tanks I swap to if I can’t handle her. He has armour in Nemesis, yes, but bionade and sleep are really, really bad news regardless. He can’t block her CC/debuffs while in Nemesis. I’d swap to Zarya or Sigma instead.
I would absolutely recommend picking someone other than Ram for dealing with Ana to someone picking up the guy.