Something Very Strange and Suspicious In A Match

Recently, I was playing with a friend and me and him were experiencing terrible lag. Rubber banding, enemies teleporting, players phasing through the ground and walls, shots coming out more than once, etc. I alt+tabbed and did a search on youtube and clicked on a video and it worked fine, it was just in-game.

What’s suspicious is it started every time I hit the enemy Moira. It would go on for like 3 minutes and then disappear, but as soon as I hit her again it would start up. Same thing for my friend, and same thing for our Dva. The other three people on our team actually lagged out of the match (I think they kept attacking Moira but me and my friend were focusing other players). They were replaced and one of them soon after complained about the horrible lag.

We tried to keep going with the match but it was impossible, we obviously got stomped hard and couldn’t do anything.

I have no idea how someone could even implement something like this or if it’s really possible, but it was very strange. Next match this didn’t happen, nothing was wrong with my internet and nothing was wrong with Overwatch because as soon as the match was over it was all back to normal.

Has anyone had anything like this happen?

its called ddossing, where someone (probably on the other team) is lagging the server by sending alot of requests and inputs that could crash the server, but usually lags other players

But it only seemed to effect our team. When I (and my friend) asked in match chat, the only people that said they were lagging were people on our own team.

Oh, I defintely had it weeks ago, but not recently. It would always start when I got close to that one player.
One time, that Ashe stood still and watched me not hit anything. She then killed and t-bagged me. After I found out it would always start around her, I got a hunch and sent a report. Might not have been right, but that was too suspicious to not have left unsuspected.

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I have experienced this. I’ve even experienced a straight ddos attack on the last leg of a game. It was wild. I thought it was a new type of cheat or something. It’s like the ultimate rage toggle.

Like you any game besides the ones that had them were fine.

I get this regularly. It’s why i suspect the system may be rigged for new or potentially high paying customers. I get reality warping lag spikes where my last 3 seconds gets rewritten. Like one time i slept a doomfist who dived me, i saw him fall to the ground asleep and my sleep go on cooldown. Then i see my killcam. In it, I’m watching myself walk aimlessly and get killed by the doom who never fell asleep. I never shot the dart. Every time this happens, it is only during a team fight. The one and only time it has happened outside of a team fight is…

I’ve also walked out of spawn in rialto, 2nd point defense and all of a sudden see my kill cam. In it, i watch my character veer off to the right, as in strafing right as if I were holding W and D keys, right into the water. I never touched the D key once since you go left, not right. I was holding W and A and looking left. It was the regroup faze, no fighting at all

I then saw my Orisa walk right out of spawn and do the exact same thing 30 seconds later. Both of us walked off the exact same spot as if the game took control of our characters. Which should be impossible, since the 3 second reality warp didn’t start in spawn, but under/close to the tunnel part.

Ive also shot 4 torb right clicks at point blank range into a Brig dealing zero damage. Killcam shows my bullets going through her chest, her health bar didn’t budge. We were both standing perfectly still the entire time.

And many, many more instances of this jank. None of which i ever experienced in ow1.

I recently learned that Activision has a ping/server patent where if your local server doesn’t have enough players, instead of waiting 5 minutes the game may find a different server to put to you in. This could be why theres way more lag spikes now in ow2, especially after they closed down some servers. But it doesn’t explain all of the extremely sus things I’ve experienced in this game. Only part of it. They also have a patent for dynamically rigging things like damage, hitbox sizes, bullet path etc.

But theres no rigging in this game, it’s delusion :upside_down_face:

Seriously though. Why do you create so many topics?

sounds like a lagswitch or someone doing ddos which is illegal though lately ive has it where the server doesnt respond when i called for recall and even some matches where iw as frozen and couldnt move even the enemy was loike wtf