Something something Reinhardt Mains still waiting for Answers no one cares


Something about him makes him look cute to me.

I think it’s the knife.


i actually don’t want to hear their plans with Rein

my blood pressure has a limit you know

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Well, what shoud they say beside “We are working on it” while releasing new features for the OWL that are not even ingame for players like recording games inside the game and rewatch them with free cam and slow motion.
Its just funny when you hear this while not being able to hit shatters consistent, gohst swings and so on.


More Rein posts to bump, yay! XD

If Gamescon will be a disappointment, I have some birthday’s candles :candle:… they are not torches, but they do the job pretty well. Lol (And it would light up the mood… literally. Ok ok :joy:, that was a bad joke, I’ll not do it again.)

Sad thing is, I have no more hearts. :sparkling_heart:


Reinhardt, don’t you think it’s time you hung it up? You’re not getting any younger.


a lack of communication usually does mean something big is coming, but its almost never good.

appears blizzard is taking that too literallly

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The Mercy mains welcome you. We have pitch forks, torches, coffee, and cookies

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Casual bump from a fellow Reinhardt-main.

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I hope so too, but a big announcement of new stuff doesn’t fix the myriad bugs or balance issues.

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Brooooo that stresses me out when my teammates are still around the choke shooting at someone and not helping me haha


A Big Ol’ Potato.

I brought twizzlers because our wait is gonna be a long one :frowning:


Thank you for your contribution

A bump to express my frustration over Reinhardt being so weak, he’s just about unplayable. Please Blizzard, we need answers. Where is Reinhardt’s defense buff and Ult buff???

Are there plans to buff Reinhardt in the near future? I’ve mained him for almost 2 years now and I’ve noticed that with the new heroes that have come in, his defense is as weak as paper. I know he hasn’t gotten a buff or anything for the longest time and needs one.

Honestly, his armor is supposed to keep him from danger and make him strong, but Roadhog’s flesh has more strength and durability then Rein’s thick, impenetrable armor…and that’s the key word, IMPENETRABLE.

If Bastion’s railgun can take down Rein in 2 seconds, Lucio’s sound gun in 5 seconds, Roadhog’s Scrap gun in 2-3 seconds, Ashe’s dynamite in 1 second, and so on and so on, this is a huge problem and Reinhardt needs a MAJOR defense buff. I do not mind his attack power, but Rein’s defense makes Rein who he is.

Developers…you know that Rein needs to protect, but he is now an oversized squishy when he should be the strongest in the team, right? Please consider giving him a major defense boost and make him a favorite again? Because right now, he feels like a black sheep that’s being left behind.

Fair enough, but would you be so kind as to answer the others above me as well? They’d love to know your opinion since you seem to know so much about Rein and like being unnecessarily passively sarcastic from your past posts.

Wow, and I didn’t even swear at you. I’m surprised how defensive you get once people call you out. You need to relax a bit lol

Also, I’m a Junk and Pharah main, not just a Rein.

But whatever man, you do you, alright? I’m just stating my opinion and concern over one of my favorite characters in a game that’s supposed to be for fun and is balanced, as well as have a constructive conversation with others, not get talked down to from toxic people like yourself, because if you’re going to reply to me that way, you should do it to everyone else who have posted in this forum. Honestly, I’m being the bigger man by letting this go and just wait for the developers to state their opinion and have a conversation if there will be any.

Main thing is, just chill. :slight_smile: It’s all good, no need to have hate or be sarcastic or critical.