Most of my disconnects are server-side and have nothing to do with my internet. Blizzard cant ethically punish players because of their own poor servers, imo.
They already did this when role q was released despite it getting heavy praise they removed it. Was a terrible decision.
They accepted long ago the game has no competitive integrity. One day a game will have a proper leaver system but currently no competitive fps do or in overwatch case. Moba. Hasn’t been an fps for two years.
Yes, Im saying if they know they are having internet issues they shouldnt queue for comp… I personally have never gotten DC’d from servers. But I know 9 times out of 10 the ppl who leave the games im in because we are losing cant all be due to disconnects. Idk maybe there isnt a solution for it… im passed the point of caring about comp though… its a mess… i just enjoy the 1 or 2 games I get out of 20 with a team who communicates and tries.
You don’t know this. You presume this without evidence.
How is someone supposed to know when an unannounced and unintended internet service disruption is going to happen?
How is someone supposed to know when their power is going to go out?
How is someone supposed to know when their hard drive is going to fail? Or their mouse is going to stop working? Or their monitor is going to die?
Unexpected things happen all the time and they can happen often.
You cannot know with 100% certainty why someone leaves an online game.
I dont… never claimed to 100% know but I do know that ive had people join games and first thing they say is “im laggin pretty bad” or “sry if i DC ive been having issues”… thats people well aware of issues that shouldn’t have queued…
No i dont know 100%… no one does. Just the way things play out seems a little off. The timings are perfect too… we get steamrolled on point A and then the person who was actually defending and playing leaves right after we lose the point… sure it can be a DC… but the timing of most of them are usually after the game feels like an L anyway.
I have been trying to say this on the forum multiple times in the past year! No one ever says anything and my posts never make it to front page.
Blizzard already has a great system in place for other games like HOTS. If the punishment was brutal like in that game then people would not do it, straight up.
I left a HOTS game once because I had to be somewhere irl and I logged back on later that night and still had to be matched with other leavers. When you try to play right away after leaving a game there is something like a 40 min cool down. I think that plus the extra loss of sr would be great for overwatch.
And for those people who will cry “but my internet…” well, you shouldnt be playing competitive then. It is crappy to do that to other players if you have a bad connection and disconnect often. Dont play comp if you know you have bad internet.
I agree with you. If you know you have bad internet dont play comp. If your internet provider dc’s you often, then switch providers. Its not he worlds job to cater to you.
Not trying to start anything, but if your internet provider dc’s you often it is your job to find a better one. Obviously if its once in a great while not their fault, but if it is happening all the time you gotta take charge and change.
I say this from being that person. Would get disconnected, so I changed providers and have had literally 2 times in a year that I have been disconnected, It is the person job to get better internet, not the world’s job to cater to them because they chose a bad provider.
If you’re a person who insists on solo-queing - you lose the right to complain about leavers.
Like in what universe are you not gonna get leavers in solo-que?
Do you really believe that computers all around the world will stop disconnecting if you pump up the penalties?
No, you’ll just minimize the playerebase to almost 0
The only thing your version accomplishes is more pissed of players - it will not minimize leavers - cuz guess what, people dc or they have a life.
Use LFG or learn live with it.
I wouldnt mind if there were less children playing XD
Your video game is not gonna get sustained on 1% hardcore players - it will die.
Im not so sure. There are millions of people who play ow worldwide, I dont think that a stricter leaver policy will kill the game. Especially because ow is so flexible with its many game modes and the workshop. One of the reasons I love OW is because there are so many different games modes to play!
You first need evidence that players who continuously leave aren’t getting penalized or banned - I don’t personally see that evidence. I can see evidence of throwing, i can see evidence of smurfing, but people who abuse the leave system? No, sorry, i don’t see it. You have like 3 leaves in a span of 2 days to get perma season ban - that total of 3-4 games max ruined, it’s not much.
If we are talking about leaving arcade games - that’s a completely different topic
Just don’t punish innocent non stack players but don’t overly punish for leaving. This is the fix. It’s been the fix. They implement this fix slightly and removed it.
People use the current system just to derank. Losing Sr leaving was a bad idea and never should of been implemented.
It’s not like other games where if there is a leaver its basically unwinnable. Overwatch is that game.
It’s not valorant. It’s not counterstrike. It’s not rainbow six siege. Where mechanics will still carry you despite being down a man. Being down a role ruins the entire game.
Toward the end of every comp season it get really bad. Like REAL bad.
Exactly. Currently SR gain and loss is determined on how well you play. So if you got a leaver on your team and lose the 5v6, the system is basically still saying “You’re losing 20+ SR because you didn’t play well enough to win.”