Something is wrong with my Overwatch game

I haven’t played Overwatch in years so i decided to pop my disk in and boot it up and i keep getting errors. I then go to my psn and Overwatch 2 is out and i was like ok cool ill try it out. After playing about an hour and it just wasn’t for me, i dont like not having a tank buddy.

I then saw that i no longer get levels up and loot boxes which i used to unlock the skins but i noticed theyre all locked behind pay walls, this is just straight trash.

Can i just go back to Overwatch 1? I just enjoy the game more and have certain memories with it, but as mentioned my disk doesn’t boot up the game. Why did the game i loved have to die for…this?

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OW1 doesnt exist anymore. OW1 became OW2. We got scammed and bamboozled.


Is this real?

10 chars

yes, overwatch 1 got deleted to make way for ow2

Jep, we got scammed.
All we can do is remember this moment whenever we think about buying something from this company.

Theres nothing we can do about this?

Nope nothing you can do aside from voice frustration on the internet

but you will be faced with OW2 supports who spit nonsense and troll literally everyone who tries to surface OW2’s issues.

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I’m in this post and I don’t like it
