Something is up

sussy balls moment i call it ngl


Nope you’re not. You have a Diamond account. Diamond is your real rating.


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Is that your attempt at being clever? I really hate to be comparing dick size, but let’s have at it.

Unlike you, I just played 4 games in GM and have a total of 47 hours playtime across 2 accounts in top 500 this season. So yes, I can confidently say that I am a GM player.

You on the other hand reached your all time peak around 2 months ago and haven’t played A SINGLE game as a masters player in Overwatch, while claiming to be a masters Rein and “the best Rein on the forums”. Since you stopped playing on the masters account 2 months ago, you continued to play on your alt account on which you dropped 700 sr over the course of 2 weeks and complained about being stuck at 2.7k. Fair play if you managed to get back in Diamond, but me calling you a Diamond player is 100% justified until you play on your masters account and maintain that rank.


Proof please? Provide links. Also comment from those accounts so that I know they belong to you.

You said I’m a low-Platinum player. I said I can maintain high Diamond. Don’t you remember our discussion?


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If people are investing time inside and outside and still cant be average - something is “wrong”.
EDIT: Something is WRONG with the system. LOL. and Mind you, again, the distribution curve shows ALOT of people, not just me. I would give a small percentage still cant climb.

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You are free to look up my accounts on Overbuff: basil#22323 slevin#22949

Like I said, I don’t stalk you so I didn’t know you recently got back into Diamond.

Proof it then. You keep claiming to be this and that but all I see is a deserted masters account after a successful gaming session and a low diamond account with lots of play time.

Exactly my thoughts. It’s okay to be below average. Someone has to be. I am sure there are other things you are good at.

I mean yea. 50% of the people are below average… so it would be odd if there weren’t a lot of people there.


I dislike SVB now, but at least I agree with him on this point.

Basically Compers in stacks raid QP to get skins in quick order, utter casuals solo randos return cold from months off and it’s roll city. Happens every event.

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This account is barely GM and frequently drops into Master. So it appears you’re a Master player.

How many times does it need to be proven and on how many accounts?

My other account has consistently been much lower than this account as I’ve shown many times across multiple seasons - as well as even when I played on them both simultaneously. This is why I’ve always questioned the integrity of skill rating.

The fact that I completely stomp in high platinum should be enough to show that I’m a high diamond player shouldn’t it?


Rich coming from a guy who is 3014 on one account and 3514 on the other. So are you plat on one account and diamond on the other then?

Just like you I had an unlucky streak 2 days ago and dropped from 4096 to 3850. Unlike you, however, I had no problem reclaiming my SR.

It’s literal facts that what you claim and reality are pretty far apart. Play on your main account and prove me wrong.

So because I stomp in 4.1k lobbies, it should be enough to show that I am a 4400 player while my accounts are currently 4k and 4.1k?


That’s the exact logic that you used first which is why we apply it to you.

Calling it deserted is quite silly when it’s the current season.

If multiple seasons had passed then sure you’d have a point.

Prove it.

Let’s see the videos of a full session.


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I am pretty sure I have even congratulated you to your achievement of reaching masters. I am not dismissing that you reached that. However, you havent played on that account since and in fact dropped on your alt into plat on which you are currently 3014.

So while I do acknowledge that you reached Masters, I don’t think you are currently a Masters player at all. So no, you are not applying the same logic since I have literally almost 250 games played in GM this season alone, whereas you total a whopping 0 games played as a Masters player.

It’s also quite silly to go around the forums claiming you are Masters and the best Rein player while never having played a single game as a Masters Rein.

Nah, I am good. My self worth does not depend on proving myself to you or other strangers on the internet, neither does it depend on my SR btw. For all I care, I could be a Gold player and I would still enjoy this game.


Cool ok so play comp on your basil main account.

Why is that inactive?

  • I’m high diamond.
  • I’ve played in Master lobbies.
  • Do you know a single player on this forum who’s better than me on Reinhardt - with evidence of this? I genuinely want to know and learn from them.


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I usually play on one account until I reach a new season high, and swap accounts until I reach a new one on the other account. Thanks, though.

One account is 3014, the other is 3514. The former being actively played on, while the latter is inactive. But sure, you are high diamond.

I never said you didn’t. I said you have 0 games played as a masters tank player. You wouldn’t hear Masters players claiming to be t500 because they occasionally get t500s in their games.

I am sure there are lurkers who are leagues above you; however, even if there weren’t, you claiming to be the number 1 rein just screams insecurity and the need for validation. Whatever floats your boat though.


How coincidental, I do the same thing!

Let’s do a deal then. You play one game on your main basil account and I do the same. You also record and upload the game as well as share the replay code and I do the same.

Sound fair?

I genuinely asked it as a question.


I’ll play on Slevin until I get to >4111.

I don’t have anything to prove.


That’s nice.

Might want to stop asking me to do something you’re too scared to do yourself. It just:


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I am not the one going around claiming to be this and that. Besides, it doesn’t matter on which account I play. They are literally the same SR.


Except one of your accounts frequently falls to Master so it appears you’re a Master player, not GM.


Being better than casuals and low elo players doesn’t make you great. You are still barely above average player :rofl:


Yea, slevin has been dipping into Masters ocassionally, and sure during those times you can call me a Masters player; I don’t see anything wrong with that. However, I spend far more time in GM than in Masters and I am also currently GM.

You, on the other hand, spent 100% of your time as a non-Masters player and you are currently 3014. So I will consider you a Diamond player.