Something Changed. Matchmaking Suddenly Better

Something happened, Matchmaking has SIGNIFICANTLY Improved over the last 3-4 days for me. Games Feel Close ?_? Blizzard did u fix it??


-20 characters


the only thing that changes is your perspective :slight_smile:

What was your win rate today? You win those games?

Can you explain in more detail? How has is gotten better? Are you getting matched with people within your skill-level more often now? Are there less tank gaps every game? Less throwers/leavers etc?

I think S3 was the best for me, since they started matching roles of similar skill-levels on both teams. I was constantly getting good co-supports, and the enemy supports were good too. It felt really good having a good ana/bap/kiriko player as my co-support who I could rely on and work together.

Nowadays, I’m frequently getting worse co-supports who never swaps off moira/lifeweaver or noob enemy supports who just healbots all game.

My one sided stomp 5 game loss streak says otherwise

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Except that isn’t to do with the match maker, so what it actually says is basically nothing.

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It is matchmaking based off the skill level of the people it’s matching together is severely unbalanced. But I’m not gonna sit here and argue with you again cuz it’s pointless and not going anywhere so you have ur opinion and I have mine end of story . :slight_smile:

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But it won’t factor in who’s about to just have a bad game.

If you lose 1, could be anyone, if you go on a streak of losses… It’s more likely to have been you.

It won’t last, uninstall this game.

No it’s the game, and the game is a flaming plie of sh.


Yet you still play and engage with it

Can’t be that bad

I don’t play anymore, I just watch the downfall and observe the forums.

The game is dogsht


Seems like an odd hobby. But whatever keeps you off the streets I guess.

Could care less what you think, keep wasting your time.

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I enjoy playing the game. It’s fun.

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Can you share the replay codes of all these matches please?

:rofl: :rofl: :sweat_smile: :joy:

Imagine flexing that you love the most downvoted game in steam history.


Imagine looking at the steam reviews and thinking the score means anything lol


XV4NS2: First point on my defense was a little rough. I missed 3 dynamites I admit. Main event? Tank left… I guess thats “unlucky”. (26/4, 15k damage, dps partner is unusually at 5-5? but that doesnt seem right, did they leave too?).

W87WH6: New junk city! comp flash point. Here… I did my best. first time comp flash point with ashe. Ive done it with the support toon. (18-7, 9k dmg. partner 6k.). Meta Winston play aginst a reaper most of the game, then switches to hog after they keep jumping in too many times. Yea they had Ana too.

7A8YM0: worst game yet (12-10) but oddly enough still the best in the lobby. System REALLY trying to break me down. Dps partner 6-9. Yea this was a stomp, 0-2. Their Cassidy 34-4…

61JNTZ: First time being the worst one on the team, 8-8. but the most damage, fwiw.

A66DBF: Went against the same tank from last game. Back to leading the team, at 18-7, most dmg. But just not enough to win.

Games yesterday were just as stomp or be stomped as usual for me.
Even stomping isn’t fun.

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