Some Thoughts and Ideas About 6v6

It can be seen from forum topic titles and comments that many people prefer and approve of 6v6 over 5v5. Yes, I also think 6v6 is much, much better. However, there are constant issues when implementing this system because it is not applied correctly.

For it to be properly implemented:

1 - All changes introduced with S9 should be disabled in 6v6 modes (Hitbox, Projectile, Auto Regen, etc.).

2 - The increased TTK in OW2 should be reduced back to match the OW1 2022 version.

3 - Role passives should be completely removed in 6v6 modes, as they negatively impact the 6v6 experience.

4 - Tanks still need to be nerfed in terms of durability. They are still unnecessarily strong and resilient in 6v6 modes. Since there are two tanks in this mode, they do not deserve such excessive durability.

The current 5v5 system cannot make 6v6 work. If 6v6 is to be tested, it should be based on the OW1 2022 version.

What ruins the 6v6 experience is that it inherits certain features from 5v5.


They should revert all the changes they have done for 5v5. They should also revert bastion kit to OW1.

Perks are ok but they seem to take forever to get.


I have no problem with perks, but role passives must be removed.

Yup. However they should add pickable passive instead.

I can’t say that I feel the same way at all. In 6v6 Comp OQ I’ve had no problems melting tanks that have made a misstep. When playing as a tank, I’m very much aware that a single mistake is sending me straight back to the spawn room.

I suspect that the helmet tank passive is gone in this mode. That’s fine, but any further reductions in tank durability will be overkill.

I never want to go back to end-of-life OW1, where it felt like my tank options began and ended with Sigma to survive all the burst damage. I even like Sigma, but I don’t want to feel forced to play him or be miserable.

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