it’s extremely fustrating and toxic to deal with players singling me out and not healing, because im not their friend or because they anger issues irl, when entire teams just keep dying 40 plus times in one game, its nonsense. but in the same note, they gave mercy a blaster and moira cant heal without doing dps, which means someones getting hurt and shes being a paperweight. they design toxic heroes, so is the gameplay sabotage function not applicable to healers anymore? what do i do with players that just don’t want to do anything on support, or only heal certain people they arrogantly choose as their lucky one? sometimes i rage and play as mercy and stop healing, ive also tried healing tons and being anti toxic and that’s my usual choice, to be better than them and not sink to their level, but sometimes especially at night, the game becomes untoxic playable, players that never heal me and heal others, and my damage falls off the charts, my death count racks up, and then they have this weird defense, that i suck because their dps is higher…obviously if they’re getting healed it’s higher. since they’re not very smart, they think others believe them and think they’re good, but anyone with half a brain sees if the death count is high and the players dealing good damage, then the healer is to blame. again, the report function has been completely useless for the entirety of ow1 and now ow2, so eventually none of the healers will be doing anything, and im trying to be as nontoxic as possible so the new fresh GOOD players who migrated from other games, can assist eachother, and hopefully erase the bad taste of the old toxic ow1 playerbase that likes to add misery, and grief instead of enjoy a team coop fps. blizzard could certainly assist in removing toxic moiras by putting moira in the dps role. there are enough healers now.
Then don’t do that.
But you just said you were dealing less damage than the healers. So that’s not good damage. And even if it was good damage, no, it’s not that simple. Your job is to get picks. You can get numbers by spamming pointless fire into tanks while your team around you drops, but that isn’t good. That is DPS failing at their jobs, chasing numbers while dying too much.
You can also deal damage near cover and near health packs. If you have a habit of standing in the fire I can tell you healers will learn not to waste their healing on you because it’s needed for others in the team.
I mainly tank and heal and I can say in almost all my games healers are amazing. But I try to mix my plan from aggressive to defensive to ease up the healing burden depending on my health, and I listen out for reapers, sombras, tracers and peel for my healers when I can.
its not every game and it’s certainly less of an issue than ow1, but at night especially early morning hours the player base is very small, just the same regs that grief people.
It’s def true that late at night the same people show up over and over. I tend to not notice healer issues in that bracket because I’m usually playing healer since it’s the fastest queue. Have some fun with it. Flank a little. Try to get that first pick. Grief their healers (we hate that). Learn where the packs are. Play by cover, use the packs, maybe a non-healing healer you have will learn quickly they survive longer if they keep the tank and other dps up.
Also I get Widows and Pharah’s drop right in front of me occasionally. I’ll spam heal them. Obviously I’ve not noticed them given they’re out of sight and they wouldn’t have done that if I had noticed. Seems a straight forward approach. Block my vision, press x, get topped up.
The main reason I hate tanking…and the reason I lose when tanking is not getting heals. Walk right by a healer and they dont heal you.
In this way you are the only to risk to be banned.
Ignore them and block and report if they break the rules.
Can’t heal when you’re deep in enemy territory.
Can’t heal when you’re really spread out.
Can’t heal when you’re LOS.
Can’t heal if I’m playing Brigitte.
This is the opposite wrong way of this situation.
The first three are problem of bad positioning of the support in Overwatch 2.
Because why the support isn’t in the enemy territory and don’t keep the los?
And why not stay with the majority of the team?.
Overwatch 2 is a more dynamic game and team must coordinate better, this means even supports must move around more.
Hopefully you get banned, we dont want or need your kind.
If you’re a bad person doing bad things in overwatch, WE DONT WANT YOU IN OVERWATCH
just have to face that there will be randomness if you solo queue. if you hate it that much you’ll have to find healer friends but yea good luck with that hehe
i usually watch my replays and figure out on what happened. not saying im the perfect player but usually the team that wins is the one that backs each other up. the team that loses is the team that looks only after themselves
You sound like you need to take a break tbh. If it’s really getting to you, go do something else for a bit, you’ll feel healthier for it. We all get games every so often with a support just not pulling their weight, whether it’s a Lucio running headfirst into the enemy team, or the Ana I had in a game a few nights back that spent the entire time up Orisa’s butt and ignoring the rest of the team.
It’s something you just have to deal with, avoid player and move on. Personally I only report people for things like throwing themselves off cliffs, emoting in spawn, being friendly with the enemy team or Mei walls. Some people are legit just really bad players, but that’s not the same as gameplay sabotage.
theres other toxic stuff late night with the regulars such as stealing peoples hero picks, blaming you for not healing when you’re support after they let you die the last game (making you not WANT to heal them) and solo ulting… mostly because i complained or trash talked the trolls, who accused ME of being the troll. they solo ult whoever speaks up, basically. it’s a really toxic stupid player base at night, they don’t group up, they don’t care, they don’t heal, and they just wreck game after game. the report feature does nothing, they do it literally every night, and they kill off the casual player base, and make the game have a bad reputation. when overwatch WORKS its really good, but i get stuck with these dumb fools with demon icons who just mess with people because they think its funny to get a rise out of someone, anyone, because they have nobody…why else they play OW at 4am? it makes sense.
I will start by saying that if it is something that happens a lot to your, perhaps you need to reevalute the way you play. Are you out of position a lot ? Do you take useless risks ?
Overall try to remember that it is not the support’s role to get out of position to try and heal you no matter what. If you have poor positioning the healer should not take risks just to maybe keep you alive for another second.
Now I would say, with the change of 5v5, supports are overall the biggest losers in this new format. They have become a lot more vulnerable, and because of the ult charge nerf on the tank passive, they also need to deal damage if they want to get their ults relatively quickly.
Another thing is also that with the game being close to a Dive meta right now, Healing is not the priority, much like it was in Overwatch and its Dive meta. The focus is to jump on a target, burst it down and move on to the next.
it’s so fun when it works, agreed
SPECTATING THE LOWEST RANK IN OVERWATCH 2! (Bronze 5) - OverAnalyzed! - YouTube might be worth a watch. just a bronze healer perspective with pro talk over. Notice what he says about what the DPS are doing wrong. You can’t really change the healers you get, but you can work on your own stuff.
Bad supports can try to play better.
If dps need to work around bad supports, there is something wrong.
And instead if the supports intentionally stay behind because they don’t want to play aggressively when is possible, then they need to be reported.
There overextending and stay too much behind.
This isn’t a support complaining. It’s a dps. and good dps don’t complain about healers in quickplay. All he can do is focus on what he is doing and improve for the situation.
A bad players is a bad players, the gamemode isn’t important.
And a thrower is a thrower, the gamode isn’t important.
Blizzard don’t do differences of gamemodes for bans.