Some changes on moira?

Right, I’m not sure of what the specific situation was. I just used Mercy a possible example. She could be solo healing, the point remains the same that something happened that resulted in you getting out played. The math doesn’t support her surviving 4 strikes even with perfect prediction and tracking on an ulting genji.

Edit: That’s assuming of course perfect play. Which again, I cannot stress enough, is not reasonable for you or the Moira in most cases. There’s a good chance you were just outplayed, made a mistake, or she was incredibly lucky.

I re-ask…Is this you ammy?

You are the 3rd person to say that, its getting boring :confused:

Nerfing Moira would literally make her unplayable. Play Moira and you will discover that. She is not a good hero.

ammy’s gone, she went to the store to buy your father the lighter

Didn’t bother reading through a thread like this.

The suggestion is so ridiculous and out-of-touch that most people aren’t going to give serious answers.

idk man its 3am right here

so ima very confused

the title says “nerf moira”

but…All i see is buffs ,

as i edited, shorten her range and make a change on the damage orb, that’s it and increase a bit the m2 damage

I dont think your understanding whats the point of the M2

its not meant to deal damage, Its meant to recharge her M1 healing, Thats why the range is so big, Because she NEEDs to recharge, imagine if she could only refill her healing at close range, She´d be a throw pick

Buffing the damage and nerfing the range, Is a mistake because your Literally nerfing a supports healing in exchange for more damage, which is kind of, i dunno, Counter productive to what her job is?

thats like reducing reins shield HP in favor of more damage, why in the world would you do that

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holy freak 10000 posts

Yes i post a lot mah dude

Not to mention it encourages the “dps” Moira playstyle more and just making the heal orbs better in every situation over damage orb.

Giving her more damage on M2 is a horrible idea lol.

yeah that’s true tho

I’d like to have a coffee with Moira and ask her how does it feel to be from the Tim Burton universe.

Who came up with her concept?

She’s also very counterable. Wanna beat Moira? Play any tank.

Her orb and alt attack are cheap and terrible.

One is fire and forget and the other, hold down RMB, aim in the general direction. The skill needed to use them in minimal.

She is super low skill floor hero, she deserves to be weak but shame the game ins’t balanced around that.

A rework would be better, buffing such a simple to use hero even a little bit would be a big buff to her.

Don’t make me say the same thing again please, im tired