Sombras skill floor is far too low

This is the main issue with Sombra aside from permacloak, everything in her kit is forgiving,
why does she need the shortest cooldowns of any DPS,
why is hacks cast time so insanely short,
why does she get a free cleanse on her short cooldown escape
why does she need free wall hacks,
why isn’t stealth a resource and given for free.
Why is virus like tossing a refrigerator at someone

Sombra got to keep so many cheese buffs from when she was weak that she has become the most forgiving and easy “stealth” character in any fps.

Compare making a mistake as spy in TF2 vs a mistake as Sombra in OW spy has a slim chance to escape but 4/5 times the spy is dead once discovered

If sombras caught she usually gets away for free and gets to try again without punishment. If you insist on keeping invisibility it can not be with such a low and accessible skill floor, it’s long overdue for her to lose the extra bloat in her kit.


Sombra’s low skill floor is fine when she has a high skill ceiling that she has to get closer to than most heroes in good ranks.

Sombra isn’t fun to face, but she’s a fair hero.


This isn’t even true.

So it’s usable while also being able to be interrupted. It also lasts 0.65 seconds.

So it’s more usable. There’s also the fact that dot effects are rare to begin with, so who cares.

They’re only active against someone that’s either hacked or below half, the latter being rarer these days due to the global hp regen.

They tried having it on a cooldown before, but it led to terrible gameplay patterns. A resource system would functionally do the same.

It’s a slow moving projectile that does similar damage to Soldier rockets and Sojourn rail bodyshots, except doing the damage over time instead of instantly.

All of this ignores the fact that both her damage and damage application are on the low end for dps. “But her dps is only 11 lower than Soldier!” I hear someone rolling across their mirror-finish brain. Soldier has zero spread, and recoil anyone can compensate for after 5 minutes playing him. Sombra needs to be nearly point blank to apply her gun’s full bodyshot dps, and literally spooning bullets into her target’s mouth for headshot dps.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that armor is going back to OW1’s model, and Sombra is heavily affected by that.


thats one of her fun aspects. never really have to wait on cooldowns. i always hate cooldowns but yea on some abilities its so powerful (imagine if tracer had blink on a short cooldown)

she is a cheesy hero tho heh but fun

Sombra is super easy to get zero value out of. I think she’s in a decent spot.


the majority of the buffs you delusionally think she needs to keep were from OW1 sombra who actually had other weaknesses, interupting hack stopped being valid defense when they made it so she still gets hack back in another 2 seconds, your defense of her cheese wall hacks when every other source requires active effort to maintain shows ur bias, DOT effects aren’t that rare and in every other game they keep invisibility characters in check for a good reason

the fact of the matter is invisibility and being able to choose any position you want for free on low cooldowns is stupid strong, and having all these overbloated “forgiveness” mechanics make her a baby hero.

Your sombra bias couldnt be more obvious you dont want her skill floor to be high because you wouldnt be good enough to play an actually skillfull hero


fun for the sombra, cancer for everyone else.


Sombra stinks. Most people would be better off on Cass or any other hitscan and just run down mid


noone asked about ur fetishes, get lost sombra one-trick


She ruins casuals fun qrow, it’s simply not healthy, you are not in qp scene to talk about this.

The guy one clipping jay3’s tracer is not going to get uncoordinated teams that casuals get :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’m really good at dealing with sombra but it’s a chore to babysit teams in qp.
It’s practically a seperate minigame.

This hero is top 3 till gold then falls down fast to 9th place and by the time she reaches your rank she has worse pr than junk currently :joy:

For me in comp it’s not a issue but qp health of the game is extremely vital to keep the game alive and get cash flow.

There is no reason for a hero to be gimped due to power budget being spent on cheap griefing areas of uncoordinated teams and then get gimped hard in higher elos once coordination happens.

The hero is extremely weak actually due to this powerbudget misuse.

They can easily shift her to be a more scalable and better hero once they shift the power from griefing areas.

So skilled players get rewarded.

The character has been a rework chamber constant visitor, they need to dial in on a good rewarding kit that scales well.


yeah her rework just made her more of a troll hero and did nothing to make her more skillfull

If you don’t like her, that’s fine. I don’t like her either. But it’s delusional to ignore the bevy of balancing levers she has. She isn’t a “no weaknesses” hero like the community likes to believe.

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ah yes when called out every sombra defender goes to “u just dont like her” cause they dont have a leg to stand on. worst designed character ever to be put in an fps.

Sombra is basically a much easier version of tracer that gets like 10% her value.


Close-mindedness is one of the reasons social media platforms are waste disposal sites.

Actually, she can’t see people through walls anymore unless they are hacked. Her old Opportunist passive was what allowed her to see low HP targets through walls. I do miss that ability.


hahahahahahah yeah super fair hero xdddd

Nah, why when you interrupt hack, It has next to no cool down. You can just continue holding the button half a second later and get it off.
Make it have a meter like DM so you’re not just holding it waiting for something to walk past in range. It’s too strong of an ability to be so free


great suggestion, things like this would do alot for making her actually skillfull and not the queen of cheese

Has there ever been a hero more hated than the current version of Sombrero? Maybe Widow or Brig 1.0, but she’s definitely up there. My god what an awful rework.

She’s not even that powerful if you’re playing with people that can turn around (which doesn’t usually happen in quick play to be honest) but she really changes the flow of the game and makes things boring.

She’s not the overpowered monster some forumers wants us to believe, but she’s a terrible designed hero that nobody likes having around.

Maybe it’s time to rework her for the hundredth time.