Sombras rework missed the mark and here’s why

You won’t like it being a skillshot because it’ll require buffing it up. People still complain about being hacked even with 1 second long duration

Sombra’s hack has been nerfed gradually since OW2 release. It’s basically skillhack so to speak and now it requires not aim, but game sense.

Hack distance - nerfed
Hack silence duration - nerfed numerous times, including latest patch rendering silence utterly useless aside from turning off SEVERAL skills
Hack animation duration - nerfed
Still gets interruped with any chip damage, whether it’s pellets or splash
Btw, picking the right angle to hack the convenient target has been nerfed too - detection radius, movespeed under invis (was partially buffed back again for having 225HP), Sombra also announces loudly whenever she comes out of stealth
And now they nerfed Sombra’s ability to pick off-angle to hack convenient targets, increasing CD of her only escape tool

Hack as it is right now is nothing but a boogeyman for bronzes
Oh, you want some extra damage? Just go and try to hack anybody in a choke where bullets fly back and forth and there’s also a shield and/or turrets

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