Sombras rework missed the mark and here’s why

I’m not upset that they nerfed Sombra, but they continue to keep her kit bloated with too many abilities and niche interactions that makes her so hard to balance.

Removing infinite stealth is good but putting it on her teleport is not. She’s probably the only damage character that can ONLY use their mobility skill to escape now. As an assassin character with 225 hp this makes no sense. Using it is very awkward. We’ve seen invisibility as a passive and now an add on effect. Invisibility is way too powerful and interesting to be tacked on. Stealth worked best as a standalone ability and it needs to go back to this. Make it a resource similar to defense matrix or pharas jets.

They brought back her old passive which is even more bloat. Now both her virus and gun do increased damage against hacked targets which is just redundant. Are you supposed to shoot hacked targets now or virus them? Who knows. Her inputs needed per kill is among the highest in the damage category if you’re going hack → virus → shoot (only characters that comes close are echo and venture. For echo stickies → laser kills all but tanks, making it usually only 2 inputs, for venture it’s usually either shoot → charge → shoot or shoot → charge → melee which are both faster than sombra, easier, and arguably more fun and cohesive). Just combine virus and hack, people would complain less if hack was a skill shot anyway and frees up an ability slot for stealth again. The wallhack portion of her passive is even more redundancy and bloat, hack already gives wallhacks

Add into this the fact that you can still hack health packs for some reason she just has way too much stuff going on here


You know what, I fully agree.
Though there is also the suggestion running its course to swap Virus for a manual Invisibility.

And I for one LOVE to hack healthpacks. But it’s sad that hacked packs never get to shine in games.

There’s a lot of ways to do it but making invisibility a dedicated ability must happen in order for her to feel good to play again.

Every other CC ability I can think of right now requires aim except hack so I think merging it with virus is the right way to free up that ability slot

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You won’t like it being a skillshot because it’ll require buffing it up. People still complain about being hacked even with 1 second long duration

Sombra’s hack has been nerfed gradually since OW2 release. It’s basically skillhack so to speak and now it requires not aim, but game sense.

Hack distance - nerfed
Hack silence duration - nerfed numerous times, including latest patch rendering silence utterly useless aside from turning off SEVERAL skills
Hack animation duration - nerfed
Still gets interruped with any chip damage, whether it’s pellets or splash
Btw, picking the right angle to hack the convenient target has been nerfed too - detection radius, movespeed under invis (was partially buffed back again for having 225HP), Sombra also announces loudly whenever she comes out of stealth
And now they nerfed Sombra’s ability to pick off-angle to hack convenient targets, increasing CD of her only escape tool

Hack as it is right now is nothing but a boogeyman for bronzes
Oh, you want some extra damage? Just go and try to hack anybody in a choke where bullets fly back and forth and there’s also a shield and/or turrets

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I would like that a lot actually because the 1 second ability lockout is boring. Other skill shot CC abilities like flash bang, hog hook and sleep are better and “tolerated” to be strong because you have to aim them. If it’s merged with virus maybe the ability lockout can be longer or it can keep viruses damage over time. Or even better, if stealth is an ability again landing hacks could reduce its cooldown/add to stealths reduce/reduce her teleports cooldown if you kill a hacked target

Insert Supportbra propaganda. I might be the new Mauve.